Evidence-Based Reviews

Psychodynamic factors in psychotropic prescribing

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Being aware of these factors can enhance the therapeutic alliance and improve outcomes.



Medical noncompliance and patient resistance to treatment are frequent problems in medical practice. According to an older report by the US Office of Inspector General, approximately 125,000 people die each year in the United States because they do not take their medication properly.1 The World Health Organization reported that 10% to 25% of hospital and nursing home admissions are a result of patient noncompliance.2 In addition, approximately 50% of prescriptions filled for chronic diseases in developed nations are not taken correctly, and up to 40% of patients do not adhere to their treatment regimens.2 Among psychiatric patients, noncompliance with medications and other treatments ranges from 25% to 75%.3

In recent years, combining pharmacotherapy with psychodynamic psychotherapy has become a fairly common form of psychiatric practice. A main reason for combining these treatments is that a patient with severe psychiatric symptoms may be unable to engage in self-reflective insightful therapy until those symptoms are substantially relieved with pharmacotherapy. The efficacy of combined pharmacotherapy/psychotherapy may also be more than additive and result in a therapeutic alliance that is greater than the sum of the 2 individual treatments.4 Establishing a therapeutic alliance is critical to successful treatment, but this alliance can be distorted by the needs and expectations of both the patient and the clinician.

A psychodynamic understanding of the patient and the therapeutic alliance can facilitate combined treatment in several ways. It can lead to better communication, which in turn can lead to a realistic discussion of a patient’s fears and worries about any medications they have been prescribed. A dynamically aware clinician may better understand what the symptoms mean to the patient. Such clinicians will not only be able to explain the value of a medication, its target symptoms, and the rationale for taking it, but will also be able to discuss the psychological significance of the medication, along with its medical and biological significance.5

This article briefly reviews the therapeutic alliance and the influence of transference (the emotional reactions of the patient towards the clinician),6 countertransference (the emotional reactions of the clinician towards the patient),6 and patient resistance/nonadherence to treatment on the failure or success of pharmacotherapy. We provide case examples to illustrate how these psychodynamic factors can be at play in prescribing.

The therapeutic alliance

The therapeutic alliance is a rational agreement or contract between a patient and the clinician; it is a cornerstone of treatment in medicine.6 Its basic premise is that the patient’s rational expectation that their physician is appropriately qualified, will perform a suitable evaluation, and will prescribe relevant treatment is matched by the physician’s expectation that the patient will do their best to comply with treatment recommendations. For this to succeed, the contract needs to be straightforward, and there needs to be no covert agenda. A covert agenda may be in the form of unrealistic expectations and wishes rooted in insecure experiences in childhood by either party. A patient under stress may react to the physician with mistrust, excessive demands, and noncompliance. A physician under stress may react to a patient by becoming authoritative or indecisive, or by overmedicating or underprescribing.


Transference is a phenomenon whereby a patient’s feelings and attitudes are unconsciously transferred from a person or situation in the past to the clinician or treatment in the present.6 For example, a patient who is scared of a serious illness may adopt a helpless, childlike role and project an omnipotent, parentlike quality on the clinician (positive transference) that may be unrealistic. Positive transference may underlie a placebo response to medication in which a patient’s response is too quick or too complete, and it may be a way of unconsciously pleasing an authoritative parent figure from childhood. On the other hand, a patient may unconsciously view their physician as a controlling parent (negative transference) and react angrily or rebelliously. A patient’s flirtatious behavior toward their physician may be a form of transference from unresolved sexual trauma during childhood. However, not all patient reactions should be considered transference; a patient may be appropriately thankful and deferential, or irritated and questioning, depending on the clinician’s demeanor and treatment approach.


Countertransference is the response elicited in the physician by a patient’s appearance and behaviors, or by a patient’s transference projections.6 This response can be positive or negative and includes both feelings and associated thoughts related to the physician’s past experiences. For example, a physician in the emergency department may get angry with a patient with an alcohol use disorder because of the physician’s negative experiences with an alcoholic parent during childhood. On the other hand, a physician raised by a compulsive mother may order unnecessary tests on a demanding older female patient. Or, a clinician raised by a sheltering parent may react to a hapless and dependent patient by spending excessive time with them or providing additional medication samples. However, not all clinician reactions are countertransference. For example, a physician’s empathic or stoic demeanor may be an appropriate emotional response to a patient’s diagnosis such as cancer.

Continue to: Patient resistance/nonadherence


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