Evidence-Based Reviews

When every minute counts: What workup is sufficient for diagnosis under pressure?

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Determining an exact diagnosis in the ED is less important than establishing a diagnostic category to guide emergency psychiatric treatment.



Police officers bring Mr. A, age 25, to the emergency department (ED) in handcuffs after an alleged assault at work. He is calm but will provide no information about himself. ED staff don’t know if he has been using illicit substances, is on medications, or has any medical conditions.

Mr. A says the FBI is after him, but he makes no threats to ED staff. He talks about milking cows on a farm and of hearing animal sounds, though he lives in the city. After about 30 minutes, he consents to a lab draw and provides a urine sample.

Because no charges are pending and Mr. A is semi-cooperative, police remove his handcuffs and leave him in the care of two ED security officers. He is given something to eat and drink and seems fairly content. He asks how long he will need to stay in the room but does not demand to leave.

In a fast-paced ED, physicians might not notice signs of psychiatric illness, such as Mr. A’s paranoid and delusional thinking. By being familiar with techniques to manage patients’ psychiatric emergencies, you can help your ED colleagues:

  • establish working psychiatric diagnoses and medical causes of psychiatric symptoms in the fast-paced ED
  • maintain a safe ED environment for patients and clinicians.

What ed patients want

To understand how ED patients feel, put yourself in Mr. A’s shoes. You were at work and began to hallucinate. You believed your boss was out to harm you, and in fear you made comments perceived as threatening.

The next thing you know, you’re in a police car with handcuffs on. All of your coworkers witnessed your embarrassment. Now you are in a small ED room, wondering what’s going to happen next. Are you going to be put in a straight jacket and a padded room?

Patients may experience anxiety-provoking thoughts whether they come to the ED voluntarily or involuntarily. Fear and confusion can affect their behavior in the ED, and how providers respond to patients in crisis can escalate or de-escalate an already-difficult situation.

Psychiatric illness in the ed

Mr. A may have a psychiatric disorder, as do at least 3% of patients seen in EDs.1 This figure may be low, however:

  • Kunen et al2 asserted that EDs are underdiagnosing psychiatric disorders, given a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1999 estimate that 20% to 28% of Americans have psychiatric illnesses. Using ED discharge records across 6 months in three emergency departments, the authors found the psychiatric diagnosis rate to be 5.27% in 33,000 ED visits.
  • Another study, done in a university teaching hospital ED, showed that ED physicians trained to focus on patients’ presenting problems often missed comorbid medical or psychiatric illnesses.

In the randomized, controlled trial by Schriger et al,3 218 patients with nonspecific complaints suggesting occult psychiatric illness (such as chronic headache, abdominal pain, or back pain) completed the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) questionnaire. This 27-item self-report asks questions about mood, alcohol use, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, phobias, and somatoform symptoms.

Participants were then randomly assigned to “report” or “nonreport” groups, depending on whether or not ED physicians received their PRIME-MD scores. Even when informed of patients’ psychiatric symptoms, ED physicians rarely diagnosed or treated psychiatric disorders. Lack of mental status documentation and psychiatric interviews was apparent, the authors noted.

Case continued: a toxic cocktail

Mr. A’s urine drug screen and lab results are positive for benzodiazepines, methamphetamines, and cannabis. The staff decide Mr. A will require further observation and detoxification, and he is told this. A bed is not available at the hospital, however, and calls to nearby facilities find no empty beds.

As time passes, Mr. A shows signs of agitation and arousal. He paces the examination room—his jaw clenched and his face flushed—and begins raising his voice, asking to be discharged.

Recommendations. Unpleasantness is sometimes unavoidable, but no one in the ED has tried to create an alliance with Mr. A (Box). Try to make patients’ ED experiences as positive as possible. Make it clear that you share a common goal: to help the patient feel better. In fact, psychiatric patients and emergency psychiatrists have similar ideas about what constitutes quality ED care. When surveyed,4 ED patients said they preferred:

  • verbal interventions compared with medications
  • a collaborative approach with ED physicians
  • having medications selected for their specific problems, medication experiences, and choices
  • benzodiazepines rather than conventional antipsychotics such as haloperidol.


For a safer ED, take steps to build trust

Treat patients with respect, and preserve their sense of dignity

Offer patients choices when reasonable to help them feel they have some control

Strongly (and early) encourage smokers to accept nicotine replacement to avoid withdrawal and heightened arousal

Offer food, beverages, a blanket, or other comfort measures that would not compromise safety (do not give hot coffee, in case the patient throws the cup at someone)

Allow patients to call a loved one, friend, or pastor (offer a cordless phone to avoid strangulation attempts)

Allow relatives or friends to sit and talk with the patient if this would not compromise safety

Keep patients informed on what is going on and why

Answer questions asked by the patient and family or friends

Offer oral medications first

Get to know your security staff well


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