Higher rates of unrecognized bipolar disorder have been identified in patients with treatment-resistant depression. In a prospective study of 61 consecutive MDD patients referred to a mood disorders clinic, 59% satisfied DSM-IV-TR criteria for bipolar disorder.8
Consequences. Undiagnosed BP II disorder is an important clinical issue because bipolar features in patients presumed to have recurrent MDD can adversely affect long-term outcomes. Many of these patients will be treated exclusively with antidepressants despite evidence that antidepressant monotherapy for bipolar depression—at least for some patients—can cause more frequent mood episodes, mood destabilization, and possibly an increase in suicidal behaviors.9,10
This point is highlighted in the United Kingdom’s National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for bipolar disorder, which recommended that antidepressants be prescribed for bipolar depression only in combination with mood stabilizer treatment and withdrawn within 2 to 3 months of recovery.11
The American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) practice guideline for treating bipolar disorder, published in 2002, advises against antidepressants as monotherapy for bipolar depression, recommending instead that lithium or lamotrigine be used first-line. A revised APA guideline is scheduled for publication this year.12
Why is BP II underdiagnosed?
Notwithstanding the limitations of DSMIV-TR criteria for hypomania, additional factors contribute to under-recognition of BP II in clinical practice.
Dominant depressive symptoms. The clinical course of bipolar disorders is dominated by low-grade depressive symptoms and recurrent depressive episodes rather than mania or hypomania. This is especially true for BP II disorder, where the ratio of time spent with depressive symptoms relative to time with hypomanic symptoms is approximately 30:1.13 The fact that BP II patients in general seek help only during depressive periods means that consultations inevitably focus on the diagnosis and treatment of depression, rather than long-term prophylaxis of both depressive and hypomanic episodes.
Indistinguishable symptoms? Bipolar depressions are generally thought to be clinically indistinguishable from unipolar depressions, but this might not be clear-cut. Although differentiating symptoms of unipolar and bipolar depression can be difficult in clinical practice, evidence suggests that certain symptoms may be more common in bipolar than unipolar depression:
- atypical depressive features such as mood reactivity, overeating, oversleeping, and excessive fatigue14
- depressive psychotic symptoms, especially in younger patients15
- “mixed” depressive episodes (depressive episodes with concurrent manic symptoms).16
How to recognize BP II disorder
To detect and diagnose BP II disorder, systematically assess hypomanic features in all patients who present with recurrent MDD, especially those who have an early age of onset or don’t seem to be responding well to antidepressant monotherapy. As noted, a corroborative history from a close relative is essential. Within a full clinical assessment, use the features listed in Table 2 to help differentiate bipolar depression from unipolar depression.
Screening instruments for hypomania are no substitute for a careful psychiatric history but can be very helpful in everyday clinical practice. The most well-known is the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ);17 other options include the Hypomania Checklist (HCL-32)18 and the Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale (BSDS).19 In general, the MDQ performs better at detecting BP I in psychiatric practice settings, whereas the HCL-32 and BSDS may be more useful in primary care and general population settings.20
The BSDS has a particular focus on the softer end of the bipolar spectrum,19 and in my experience patients like its narrative structure. It can help prompt discussions about previous hypomania symptoms and mood instability. In this sense, the BSDS is a useful adjunct to the routine clinical assessment of patients with recurrent depressive disorders. Click here to view the BSDS.