Savvy Psychopharmacology

Which psychotropics carry the greatest risk of QTc prolongation?

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Cardiovascular adverse effects associated with clozapine—including QTc prolongation—are dose-dependent.3 Olanzapine prolongs QTc interval, although the mean change is less than with other agents unless other variables were present, such as:

  • concomitant use of medications that may prolong QTc interval (ie, amantadine, hydroxyzine, or tamoxifen2)
  • preexisting cardiovascular conduction disorders
  • higher doses (>40 mg/d).3,23

In 17 case reports of cardiac changes associated with quetiapine use, doses ranged from 100 mg/d24 to an overdose of 36 g/d.25 Only 1 patient death was reported secondary to overdose and preexisting dysrhythmia and hypertension.26 QTc prolongation associated with risperidone was minor1 based on oral doses in the normal therapeutic range and incidences of overdose.10 Paliperidone27 and lurasidone28 are associated with clinically insignificant QTc prolongation. Changes in QTc interval were positively correlated with asenapine dose, although at the highest dose of 40 mg/d, the increase was <5 milliseconds.29

Mrs. A presents with a number of risk factors for QTc prolongation, including older age, female sex, and psychiatric and medical comorbidities that require medication. A pill count revealed that she was taking more than the prescribed daily doses of her medications. During the interview, Mrs. A said that if she missed her medication time, she would take them when she remembered. If she could not remember if she took her pills, she would take them again. Her physicians will explore strategies to increase medication adherence.


Examples of QTc prolongation associated with select antipsychoticsa

AntipsychoticApproximate QTc interval prolongation in millisecondsb
Aripiprazole4,17-1 to -4
Haloperidol1,27 to 15
Mesoridazine1639 to 53
Olanzapine12 to 6.5
Paliperidone42 to 4
Quetiapine1,26 to 15
Risperidone1,23.5 to 10
Thioridazine2,1633 to 41
Ziprasidone1,216 to 21
aList is not comprehensive. Other antipsychotics may be associated with QTc prolongation
bQTc prolongation interval may depend on the route of administration

Related Resources

  • De Hert M, Detraux J, van Winkel R, et al. Metabolic and cardiovascular adverse effects associated with antipsychotic drugs. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2011;8(2):114-126.
  • Vieweg WV, Wood MA, Fernandez A, et al. Proarrhythmic risk with antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs: implications in the elderly. Drugs Aging. 2009;26(12):997-1012.
  • Sandson NB, Armstrong SC, Cozza KL. An overview of psychotropic drug-drug interactions. Psychosomatics. 2005;46(5):464-494.

Drug Brand Names

  • Amantadine • Symmetrel
  • Amitriptyline • Elavil
  • Aripiprazole • Abilify
  • Asenapine • Saphris
  • Chlorpromazine • Thorazine
  • Citalopram • Celexa
  • Clozapine • Clozaril
  • Desipramine • Norpramin
  • Fluoxetine • Prozac
  • Furosemide • Lasix
  • Haloperidol • Haldol
  • Hydroxyzine • Atarax, Vistaril
  • Iloperidone • Fanapt
  • Lisinopril • Prinivil, Zestril
  • Lorazepam • Ativan
  • Lurasidone • Latuda
  • Maprotiline • Ludiomil
  • Mesoridazine • Serentil
  • Metformin • Glucophage
  • Nortriptyline • Pamelor
  • Olanzapine • Zyprexa
  • Paliperidone • Invega
  • Paroxetine • Paxil
  • Pimozide • Orap
  • Quetiapine • Seroquel
  • Risperidone • Risperdal
  • Tamoxifen • Nolvadex, Soltamox
  • Thioridazine • Mellaril
  • Venlafaxine • Effexor
  • Ziprasidone • Geodon


The authors report no financial relationship with any company whose products are mentioned in this article or with manufacturers of competing products. No similar work by the authors is under review or in press. No funding was requested or received in conjunction with this manuscript.


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