Is evolution’s greatest triumph its worst blunder?
Of all the dazzling achievements of evolution, the most glorious by far is the emergence of the advanced human brain, especially the prefrontal...
Warning: Watch out for ‘medication substitution reaction’
I (MZP) recently started medical school, and one of the first things we learned in our Human Dimension class was to listen to our patients.
For Residents
The light at the end of the tunnel: Reflecting on a 7-year training journey
Throughout my training, a common refrain from more senior colleagues was that training “goes by quickly.”
Lamotrigine for bipolar depression?
In reading Dr. Nasrallah's August 2022 editorial (“Reversing depression: A plethora of therapeutic strategies and mechanisms,” Current Psychiatry...
I’m a physician battling long COVID. I can assure you it’s real
“I’ve also seen, firsthand, the frustration of navigating diagnosis and treatment. It’s given me a taste of what millions of other patients are...
How can I keep from losing my mind?
“To date the actual therapies for dementia have been disappointing.”
Criminal profiles of medical murderers
“Medical murderers (physicians, nurses, elder care workers) can have a long list of victims, longer than other kinds of serial killers.”
Hard Talk
How to remain apolitical with patients
While the concept of making all patients comfortable may feel abstract or trivial to some, the consequences can be very real.
The ‘root cause’ visit
“How did we miss out on that?” “What?” my physician friend replied as we stood in line at the coffee cart. “Root cause. I mean, we invented this...
Loan forgiveness and med school debt: What about me?
"Many people don't have sympathy out in the public. They say doctors make a large amount of money."
The marked contrast in pandemic outcomes between Japan and the United States
Over time Japan has the least cumulative deaths per capita of any major country in the world.