From the Journals
From the Journals
Antioxidants may ease anxiety and depression
Antioxidants such as magnesium, zinc, and selenium may have potential as adjunctive treatments.
From the Journals
Two diets tied to lower Alzheimer’s pathology at autopsy
Those who most closely followed these diets had almost 40% lower odds of having an Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis at death.
From the Journals
High stress levels linked to cognitive decline
“We were able to see that regardless of race or gender, stress is bad.”
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Once-daily stimulant for ADHD safe, effective at 1 year
The most common Treatment-emergent adverse events during the treatment phase were decreased appetite, upper respiratory tract infection,...
From the Journals
Buprenorphine proves effective for fentanyl users in the ED
A new study provides additional information about emergency department buprenorphine as fentanyl becomes increasingly prevalent.
From the Journals
Once-daily stimulant for ADHD safe, effective at 1 year
Most treatment-emergent adverse events were mild to moderate,in a phase 3 study.
From the Journals
In utero exposure to asthma medication not tied to risks of neurodevelopmental disorders
Data from more than 20,000 children showed no increased risk of autism, ADHD, or Tourette syndrome in children exposed to asthma medication in...
From the Journals
Cognitive remediation training reduces aggression in schizophrenia
Adding social training did not have a significant impact in curbing aggressive behaviors.
From the Journals
Depressive symptoms tied to higher stroke risk, worse outcomes
The findings of a new study build on prior research examining the link between depression and stroke.
From the Journals
Migraine after concussion linked to worse outcomes
Although most children recover quickly from a concussion, approximately one-third continue to report symptoms a month after the event.
From the Journals
Modified ECT lowers dental, skeletal fracture risk
Clinicians who provide ECT “need to be aware of rare adverse effects, as well as the common ones,” said Dr. Chittaranjan Andrade.