Latest articles for Major Depressive Disorder
From the Journals
Machine learning flags key risk factors for suicide attempts
“We identified functional impairment, such as doing activities less carefully ... as a new important risk,” said Angel Garcia de la Garza.
‘Peer respites’ provide an alternative to psychiatric wards during pandemic
“When things are really tough and you need extra support but you don’t need hospitalization, where’s that middle ground?” asked Keris Myrick of...
Hard Talk
Polydoctoring: The case against fragmented psychiatric care
My main concern with the fragmentation of modern psychiatry stems from my belief that the most important facet of our work is our relationship...
From the Journals
Pandemic packed a year of distress into 1 month
Survey: Past-month psychological distress in May 2020 equaled past-year distress in February 2019.
Collective trauma could lead to posttraumatic growth
We are currently in the riskiest part of the pandemic, and we must continue to work hard, said Dr. Eva Ritvo.
Shrink Rap News
Zoom Zoom Zoom: An end-of-year update from a virtual psychiatrist
Telemedicine has added a new dimension to treatment, said Dr. Dinah Miller.
New resilience center targets traumatized health care workers
“It’s been grueling but we learned how to care of ourselves so we can take care of our patients,” said Joe Ciavarro, a PA at Mount Sinai.
Conference Coverage
No benefit of cannabis on depression in pregnant women with OUD
“To our knowledge, this is the first time looking at the impact of cannabis on the specific population of pregnant women with” OUD, said Dr....
New coalition demands urgent action on COVID-19 mental health crisis
Since the pandemic began, the prevalence of depression symptoms has jumped threefold and overdose deaths have increased in 40 states, the group...
From the Journals
PTSD, depression combo tied to high risk for early death in women
“We ignore our emotional well-being at our peril,” according to senior author Karestan Koenen, PhD.