Schizophrenia & Other Psychotic Disorders
A Divine delusion
Antipsychotic dosing for schizophrenia
Recovery and reintegration
High-dose antipsychotics
Cases That Test Your Skills
Spotting a silent killer
Two patients have acute psychosis. Antipsychotics prolong their QTc intervals, placing them at risk for sudden cardiac death. How would you treat...
Commentary: Why patients may not respond to usual recommended dosages
3 variables to consider when prescribing antipsychotics
From the Editor
High-dose antipsychotics: A matter of opinion
Evidence-Based Reviews
High-dose antipsychotics: Desperation or data-driven?
For patients on the brink of the neuroleptic threshold, risks of high-dose antipsychotics may outweigh any benefit.
Antipsychotic dosage correction
Cases That Test Your Skills
A troubled patient’s secret life
Hallucinations and suicidal thoughts have long tormented Mr. M. Can you gain his trust, get him to talk honestly, and find out why numerous...