Sleep Medicine
From the Journals
Obstructive sleep apnea may promote gout
Sleep apnea predisposes patients for gout; BMI breakout shows strongest association in normal weight.
Insufficient sleep is costing countries billions annually because of low productivity
Sleep deprivation not only influences an individual’s health and well-being but has a significant impact on a nation’s economy.
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App tied to reducing insomnia, depression in adults
ROCKVILLE, MD. – ‘Sleepio,’ an online intervention, could address the shortage of clinicians equipped to use CBT to treat insomnia.
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Treating sleep disorders in chronic opioid users
Continuous-positive airway pressure may not be an effective therapy for patients with sleep disorders who are using opioids.
From the Journals
Brain connectivity in depression tied to poor sleep quality
An increase in functional connectivity in certain brain regions of people with depression could explain the link between the disease and poor...
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Investigational solriamfetol may improve multiple sleep measures
BALTIMORE – Studies looked at solriamfetol’s effectiveness for next-day wakefulness and work productivity in narcolepsy and obstructive sleep...
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Study profiles sleep disruption in depression
BALTIMORE – Disruption of slow-wave activity during sleep reduces next-day theta activity far more in people with major depression than in healthy...
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Zolpidem does not boost cannabis abstinence during treatment
SAN DIEGO – The sleeping aid did improve sleep in subjects seeking to quit using marijuana, researchers report.
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Phase 3 trial: Tasimelteon effective for jet lag disorder
BALTIMORE – A phase 3 trial on a melatonin receptor agonist use for jet lag reported at Sleep 2018.
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Impact of marijuana on sleep not well understood
BALTIMORE – More research is needed on the impact of medical marijuana on sleep disorders.
Sleep apnea treatment may not prevent sleepiness
Physician survey indicates that patients may be excessively sleepy after airway optimization.