
Doctors and their families tend to ignore medical guidelines


Doctors and their family members are less likely than other people to follow guidelines for taking medication, according to a study by economic professors from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; Stanford (Calif.) University; and the George Gund Professor of Economics and Business Administration at Harvard University, Boston.

What to know

  • Doctors’ medical knowledge may influence them and their families to often ignore medical advice while the rest of the population adheres to general medication guidelines.
  • Of the 63 guidelines used in the study, doctors and their families followed the standards less than a third of the time.
  • The difference in adherence to guidelines between experts and nonexperts is largest with respect to antibiotics, in which doctors and their families are 5.2 percentage points less in compliance than everyone else.
  • Doctors could be more likely to prescribe broader-spectrum antibiotics for themselves and their families, whereas most patients receive more narrow-spectrum antibiotics.
  • Many members of the general public don’t understand medical guidelines, finding them too complex to follow, and many people don’t trust their doctors.

This is a summary of the article, “A Taste of Their Own Medicine: Guideline Adherence and Access to Expertise,” published in the American Economic Review: Insights on December 13, 2022. The full article can be found on aeaweb.org.

A version of this article first appeared on Medscape.com.

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