Despite encompassing multiple disciplines of medicine, TUGSE has minimal exposure in the dermatologic literature. It is an important clinical and histologic diagnosis that will provide reassurance to the patient when accurately identified and reduce potentially harmful treatments.
Clinical Presentation
Typically, TUGSE presents as a painful solitary nodule with a central ulcer and yellow fibrinous base. The margins of the ulcer typically have an indurated and rolled appearance.1,4 More than 50% of the lesions develop on the tongue, specifically the dorsal or lateral surfaces, but they may present anywhere in the oral mucosa.7 Traumatic ulcerative granuloma with stromal eosinophilia is a fast-growing lesion, typically developing in days to weeks. Although it spontaneously regresses, the lesion may take weeks or months to resolve. In one case, it resolved 1 year later.1 Traumatic ulcerative granuloma with stromal eosinophilia has a bimodal age distribution, generally appearing in the first 2 years of life and later in the fifth through seventh decades. The male-to-female predominance is equal.1,7,11 Reoccurrence is rare, but some reports have shown patients with multiple episodes of TUGSE.13,14
Differential Diagnosis
The clinical differential diagnosis for TUGSE includes squamous cell carcinoma, pyogenic granuloma, lymphoproliferative disorder, traumatic neuroma, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, granulomatous disorders, and oral lymphoma. Inflammatory disorders such as syphilis, Behçet’s disease, herpes, histoplasmosis, Wegener granulomatosis, and others also should be considered.
Immunohistochemical analysis of TUGSE lesions recently has revealed the presence of CD30+ cells. These cells are associated with cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders including LyP, anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), and borderline CD30+ lesions, among others. Systemic diseases with CD30+ cells include mycosis fungoides, other T-cell lymphomas, and Hodgkin lymphoma.15,16 Once CD30+ cells were recognized, multiple authors began speculating there was a correlation between TUGSE and the CD30+ lymphoproliferative disorders.1,2,13 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma and LyP of the oral mucosa have been reported in several cases.17-20 One report described 2 cases of ulcerated CD30+ T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the oral mucosa, one of which showed eosinophilic infiltrates and was initially thought to be TUGSE. Based on these overlapping clinical and histologic features, the authors hypothesized there was a correlation between oral ALCL, LyP, and TUGSE.17 In one report, a patient developed multiple TUGSE lesions throughout his life, suggesting a pathologic process similar to LyP. The lesion biopsied showed that 70% of the T cells expressed CD30 (Ki-1) antigen.13
Underlying Causes
In support of an underlying immunologic process that augments the growth of these lesions, 2 separate case reports of TUGSE in the presence of human T-lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) and Epstein-Barr virus have been documented.2,21 Concurrent presentation of TUGSE and HTLV-1 in one report demonstrated eosinophilia in both the oral lesion and peripheral blood, suggesting an immunologic relationship. Furthermore, the authors postulated that local trauma initiated the development of TUGSE, providing the catalyst for the HTLV-1 carrier to develop peripheral eosinophilia.21
In the second case, a 12-year-old boy developed TUGSE in the presence of Epstein-Barr virus.2 Immunologically, this virus can be reactivated from its latent stage during immunosuppression. Epstein-Barr virus has been implicated in lymphoproliferative diseases of both B- and T-cell origin, including CD30+ ALCL and LyP.22,23 The authors in this report again hypothesized there was a correlation between lymphoproliferative disorders and TUGSE lesions.2,24
Alternatively, TUGSE may simply be a reactive process to trauma or another underlying trigger. It has been speculated that the presence of eosinophils correlates with antigen insertion into the oral mucosa, whereas other ulcers of the oral mucosa are devoid of eosinophils.1 These antigens may include microorganisms, endogenous degradation products, or foreign proteins.7,25 Additionally, the presence of CD30+ lymphocytes is not isolated to lymphoproliferative disorders. CD30+ cells have been documented in arthropod bite reactions, atopic dermatitis, drug reactions, molluscum contagiosum, and scabies, among others.1,26
Healing and Management
The length of healing in TUGSE ulcers has substantial variability, from days to up to 1 year in an isolated case.1,24 Sequential expression of transforming growth factor (TGF) α and TGF-β expressed by tissue eosinophils may be underlying factors associated with a quicker healing response as demonstrated by similar ulcers in hamsters.27 Chronic nonhealing oral ulcers, particularly TUGSE lesions that demonstrated the typical increase in eosinophils in 11 of 12 cases, showed minimal TGF-α or TGF-β expression by eosinophils, perhaps indicating a possible mechanism leading to delayed wound healing in some cases. Interestingly, incisional biopsies often led to rapid wound healing, suggesting that the biopsy itself allowed for a transition back to the regular wound-healing processes.28
Traumatic ulcerative granuloma with stromal eosinophilia spontaneously resolves on its own in most cases; however, because of the concern for malignancy, it has the potential to be overtreated.26 Symptomatic treatment only is the mainstay of therapy. The patient should be instructed to avoid trauma, and referral to a dental professional is indicated when associated with dentures or other periprosthetic devices. Diet should consist of soft foods while avoiding spicy foods. Topical or oral analgesics may be necessary if substantial pain is associated with the lesion.2 Oral prednisolone was used in a patient with concurrent HTLV-1 and TUGSE to treat peripheral eosinophilia.21 The patient’s peripheral eosinophils dropped to 1% in 1 day, and the patient’s oral lesion began to improve at day 3 and disappeared by day 10. Although TUGSE may spontaneously resolve within a 10-day period without steroids, it may be a reasonable treatment to improve healing time in an otherwise healthy individual.21,26 If there is concern for malignancy, the patient should have the lesion biopsied to provide reassurance and for the added benefit of a transition to normal healing response and decreased healing time.28
Clinical Recognition
The clinician should be aware of the possibility of a CD30+ lymphoproliferative disorder, which has been associated with TUGSE in some cases, or may simulate TUGSE both clinically and histologically. Further studies are needed to clarify the relationship between these 2 entities. Whether it is a true relationship, simple coincidence, or simply overlapping clinical and histologic features remains to be determined.