Clinical Edge

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Photodynamic Therapy is Effective Acne Treatment

Am J Clin Dermatol; ePub 2017 Mar 8; Boen, et al

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an efficacious treatment for acne and a good adjunctive treatment for mild to severe acne, especially in patients who have not responded to topical therapy and oral antibacterials, and are not great candidates for isotretinoin, according to a recent review. Researchers performed a systematic literature review and critically evaluated the studies. 69 clinical trials, 4 case reports, and 2 retrospective studies met the inclusion criteria, and 7 of the studies were high quality. They concluded:

  • The most common photosensitizers used were 5-aminolevulinic acid and methyl aminolevulinate, and both showed similar response.
  • Red light was the most frequently used light source, followed by intense pulsed light, and showed comparable results.
  • Inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions both responded to treatment, with inflammatory lesions showing greater clearance in most studies.
  • Adverse events associated with PDT for acne were mild and included pain on illumination and post-procedural erythema and edema.


Boen M, Brownell J, Patel P, Tsoukas MM. The role of photodynamic therapy in acne: An evidence-based review. [Published online ahead of print March 8, 2017]. Am J Clin Dermatol. doi:10.1007/s40257-017-0255-3.