Clinical Edge

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NMSC Survivors Should Heed Tanning Bed Warnings

Dermatol Online J; ePub 2016 Aug 15; Wiznia, et al

Indoor tanning is associated with an increased risk of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC), yet little is known about the indoor tanning habits of individuals with a history of NMSC. A recent study determined that NMSC survivors should be educated on their increased risk of recurrence and other skin cancers and in particular, the role of indoor tanning in skin tumorigenesis. Researchers examined self-reported history of NMSC and tanning bed use among non-Hispanic white respondents (n=14,400) in the 2010 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), a cross-sectional, population-based survey designed to be representative of the civilian US population. They found:

• 542 participants (weighted proportion=3.45%) self-reported a history of NMSC or “skin cancer type not known.”

• In multivariate analyses, NMSC survivors were no less likely to use tanning beds in the last 12 months than skin cancer free controls.


Wiznia L, Dai F, Chagpar AB. Do non-melanoma skin cancer survivors use tanning beds less often than the general public? [Published online ahead of print August 15, 2016]. Dermatol Online J.