Clinical Edge

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Poor Prognosis for Thin Ulcerated Melanomas Found

J Am Acad Dermatol; ePub 2019 Jan 14; Hawkins, et al

Survival for patients with thin ulcerated melanoma tumors was comparable to patients with Stage II tumors, who are currently treated more aggressively. This according to a recent study that aimed to investigate the variability in survival for American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) stage T1 thin melanoma tumors, defined as <1mm at diagnosis. This population-based series included 43,008 non-Hispanic whites diagnosed with cutaneous melanoma between 2004 and 2013 from the California Cancer Registry. Survival outcomes were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier Method. Cox proportional hazard models were used to estimate risk of death. Researchers found:

  • At 12 months, patients with thin ulcerated tumors had approximately 6% lower survival (92.5%) compared to patients with thin non-ulcerated tumors (98.2%).
  • At 24 months, this survival difference increased 85.2% and 96.1%, respectively and continued to increase over 2-fold by 60 months.

Hawkins ML, Rioth MJ, Eguchi MM, Cockburn M. Poor prognosis for thin ulcerated melanomas and implications for a more aggressive approach to treatment. [Published online ahead of print January 14, 2019]. J Am Acad Dermatol. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2019.01.009.