Contact Dermatitis
Case Letter
Dyshidroticlike Contact Dermatitis and Paronychia Resulting From a Dip Powder Manicure
To increase clinical awareness of the dip manicure technique, we describe the presentation and successful treatment of dyshidroticlike contact...
Photo Challenge
Oval Brown Plaque on the Palm
A 43-year-old woman presented with a painful lesion on the palm of 30 years’ duration that had grown in size. Physical examination revealed an...
Enthesitis, arthritis, tenosynovitis linked to dupilumab use for atopic dermatitis
Musculoskeletal symptoms identified in some patients treated with dupilumab for atopic dermatitis could help further understanding of how...
Latest News
Contact allergens lurk in diabetes devices
Some reports suggest that at any given time, skin complications may affect as many as one quarter to one half of patients who use diabetes devices...
Latest News
Beware the hidden allergens in nutritional supplements
A detailed history of supplement use is important, as it may reveal possible allergens as the cause of previously unidentified reactions.
Environmental Dermatology
Botanical Briefs: Handling the Heat From Capsicum Peppers
Capsaicin is a neuropeptide-active compound found in Capsicum peppers with many promising applications; however, dermatologists should be...
Clinical Review
Erythema Ab Igne: A Clinical Review
Erythema ab igne (EAI) is a skin condition caused by chronic exposure to heat; removal of the heat source often will result in self-resolution of...
Clinical Review
Is Laundry Detergent a Common Cause of Allergic Contact Dermatitis?
We provide a summary of the evidence for the potential allergenicity of laundry detergent, including common allergens present in laundry detergent...
Latest News
Pilot study evaluates sensitive skin burden in persons of color
“We were particularly surprised by the high rates of reactivity to skin care products designed for and marketed to those suffering with sensitive...
Photo Challenge
Papular Rash in a New Tattoo
A healthy 21-year-old woman presented with a pruritic papulovesicular rash on the left arm of 2 days’ duration. The day before rash onset, she...
Conference Coverage
Lanolin gets nod for Allergen of the Year
Controversy continues over lanolin allergenicity; some patients with positive patch tests can tolerate lanolin ingredients.