Contact Dermatitis
Contact Dermatitis
Contact Dermatitis of the Hands: Is It Irritant or Allergic?
In this column, we will explore irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) and allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) of the hands, including epidemiology,...
Case Letter
Exercise-Induced Vasculitis in a Patient With Negative Ultrasound Venous Reflux Study: A Mimic of Stasis Dermatitis
Exercise-induced vasculitis largely is documented in photographs or by history and may be misdiagnosed as stasis dermatitis due to its clinical...
Photo Challenge
Pink Patches With a Hyperpigmented Rim
A 25-year-old man presented with a rash on the right hand, chest, abdomen, right thigh, and ankles of 2 weeks’ duration. He reported that the...
Environmental Dermatology
What’s Eating You? Black Butterfly (Hylesia nigricans)
We report a case of lepidopterism in a patient with acute cutaneous lesions following exposure to an adult-stage black butterfly (Hylesia...
Case Letter
Testosterone Pellet–Induced Generalized Drug Eruption
Dermatologists should be aware that testosterone pellet implantation can cause dermatitis overlying the implantation site, which can generalize...
Contact Dermatitis
Contact Allergy to Nickel: Still #1 After All These Years
Nickel contact allergy most often is associated with earrings and other jewelry; however, novel exposures to nickel through diet and electronic...
Contact Dermatitis
Patch Testing 101, Part 2: After the Patch Test
In the second part of this series, we examine the incredibly important and absolutely vital steps that come after the patch test: determining...
Case Letter
Foreign-Body Reaction to Orthopedic Hardware a Decade After Implantation
Cutaneous reactions to implantable devices occur with varying frequency and include infectious, hypersensitivity, allergic, and foreign-body...
Photo Challenge
Umbilicated Neoplasm on the Chest
A 49-year-old man presented with a slow-growing mass on the chest of 1 year’s duration. The neoplasm started as a small papule that gradually...
Case Reports
Palmoplantar Eruption in a Patient With Mercury Poisoning
Mercury exposure should be included in the differential diagnosis in patients presenting with a rash of the palms and soles, especially in young...
Case Letter
Orbital Granuloma Formation Following Autoinjection of Paraffin Oil: Management Considerations
The initial presentation of a foreign-body granulomatous process in a patient with surreptitious use of nonmedical filler can mimic infection;...