
Successive gene mutations causing melanoma progression identified

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Findings illuminate cancer pathogenesis

Clinical observations and genetic studies like the one by Dr. Shain and his associates have illuminated cancer pathogenesis to a degree that was unimaginable just a short time ago, offering unprecedented opportunities for improved prevention and treatment.

It now appears that most cancers evolve in three broad phases. In the breakthrough phase, a cell acquires a mutation in a specific so-called driver gene and begins to proliferate abnormally. A lesion may or may not be detected at this phase, becoming apparent only after many cell divisions occur over many years. In the expansion phase, a spectrum of new driver-gene mutations arises and enables the cell to thrive in its local environment despite low levels of growth factors, nutrients, and oxygen. This constitutes the abnormal proliferation and disordered cellular architecture characteristic of benign tumors. In the invasive phase, subsequent mutations prompt cells to become malignant, invading normal tissues and growing in otherwise hostile environments. The more invasive-phase cells that are present, the more likely that one of them will succeed in moving to another organ and grow into a clinically important lesion there (metastasizing).

The clinical implications of this process are threefold. First, therapies for advanced cancer will work only if all of the patient’s metastatic lesions harbor a mutation targeted by those therapies. Second, it may be more effective to treat cancers on the basis of their genetic alterations rather than the cell type in which they arose. And third, the progeny of a cell that initiates the breakthrough phase can take decades to progress through the other phases and begin to metastasize because mutations are uncommon, even in tumors. This gives us a large window of time to derail the pathogenetic process.

Dr. Bert Vogelstein and Kenneth W. Kinzler, Ph.D., are with the Ludwig Center and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore. Dr. Vogelstein and Dr. Kinzler both reported receiving personal fees and other support from Personal Genome Diagnostics, PapGene, Sysmex Ionostics, and Morphotek. They made these remarks in a Perspective essay accompanying Dr. Shain’s report (N Engl J Med. 2015 Nov 12. doi: 10.1056/NEJMp1508811).




Several successive genetic alterations have been identified that underlie the progression of melanoma from benign nevus to invasive malignancy, with different melanoma subtypes showing distinct evolutionary trajectories, according to a report published online Nov. 12 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

This discovery can serve as the basis for formulating refined criteria for diagnosing melanoma and predicting its clinical course. It also “revealed an intermediate category of melanocytic neoplasia, characterized by the presence of more than one pathogenic genetic alteration – a finding that helps to resolve the decades-long controversy about dysplastic nevi,” wrote A. Hunter Shain, Ph.D., of the departments of dermatology and pathology and the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of California, San Francisco, and his associates.

©Christian Jasiuk/Thinkstock

Many of the pathogenic mutations in melanoma have already been catalogued, but the order in which they occur has never been defined before. “An individual tumor cannot be readily studied as it progresses from benign to malignant,” the investigators explained.

They approached the problem by comparing tissue samples from individual melanomas and melanoma precursor lesions across a spectrum of pathologic levels in different patients. They analyzed 37 melanocytic neoplasms archived at UCSF, St.John’s Hospital in London, and University Hospital Zurich, microdissecting 150 distinct areas of these samples for genetic sequencing. Eight dermatopathologists independently categorized the samples histologically as probably benign, intermediate but probably benign, intermediate but probably malignant, or malignant melanoma.

The investigators discovered “a more or less consistent pattern of genetic changes.” In every case, a single mutation was identified as the putative initiating oncogene. These were always mutations already known to activate the MAPK signaling pathway, usually in the BRAF or NRAS genes.

More advanced lesions harbored a broader spectrum of additional mutations that contributed to progression. Often these mutations affected the TERT promoter region, the CDKN2A gene and similar genes encoding particular protein subunits, or the tumor-suppressor ARID1A gene. A total of 77% of the areas examined in these intermediate tumors and melanomas in situ harbored TERT promoter mutations, which indicates that these mutations occur “at an unexpectedly early stage of the neoplastic progression,” Dr. Shain and his associates said (N Engl J Med. 2015 Nov 12. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1502583).

Only invasive melanomas were characterized by loss of both copies of the CDKN2A gene. Similarly, mutations in the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling genes emerged primarily at the invasive stage. And losses in the PTEN and TP53 genes occurred exclusively in the thickest invasive melanomas, implying that these mutations occur late in the process of tumor progression. In addition, melanocytic neoplasms transitioned from linear to branched evolution only at later stages of progression, they said.

The investigators noted that “the existence of a category of lesions residing between clearly benign and clearly malignant states has long been proposed, but has remained controversial.” This study demonstrates that these intermediate neoplasms not only exist, but also carry discrete genetic alterations. “Detailed follow-up studies will be necessary to specifically delineate their histopathological characteristics and determine whether genetic or morphologic features can be identified that determine the risk of their progression to melanoma,” they added.

This study was supported by the National Institutes of Health and the Gerson and Barbara Bass Bakar Distinguished Professorship in Cancer Research. Dr. Shain reported having no relevant financial disclosures; one of his associates reported receiving grant support and personal fees from Novartis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck Sharp & Dohme, and Amgen.

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