Letters from Maine

Save your breath



If you haven’t already stopped investing your limited supply of office time in fruitless attempts to convince vaccine-hesitant parents to immunize their children, a small study at the University of North Carolina Women’s Hospital in Chapel Hill might finally convince you it’s time to save your breath for other more achievable goals. In a survey of 171 parents, 72% reported that they already had settled on their vaccine preferences prior to pregnancy.

This was a limited survey and may not reflect the responses of a national sample of parents, but it is concerning in light of several other studies that paint a similar gloomy picture. One such study found that even when vaccine-denying parents were presented with educational materials that they acknowledged seemed valid, they continued to withhold vaccines by falling back on other arguments to support their views (“Effective Messages in Vaccine Promotion: A Randomized Trial” by Nyhan et al. [Pediatrics. 2014 Apr;133(4):e835-42]).

Dr. William G. Wilkoff

Dr. William G. Wilkoff

If a larger and more geographically diverse study continues to find that the die is cast well before pediatricians have gotten our chance to discuss vaccines with parents-to-be, we will need to rethink our strategies for dealing with vaccine refusers. For those pediatricians who already ask vaccine decliners to find another practice, this new study suggests that they could save themselves time and trouble by advertising their policy to the obstetricians in their communities. This proactive advertising would require some courage, but in the long run it probably makes economic sense.

However, for most pediatricians it may be better to wait in hopes that future research can determine exactly when and under what circumstances most vaccine decliners arrive at their unfortunate decisions. How often was it a philosophy that they inherited from their parents? How often did it reflect their religious views? How often did it evolve from something they heard in school? Junior high, high school, college? Was it a science class, or history, or philosophy?

Was it the result of some media story? TV? Print? Internet? If they can recall a particular show or website, what was it that made it sound so convincing? If it was an individual, was it a friend, celebrity, or a teacher?

A study this detailed would be time consuming and labor intensive, as it would be best done in face-to-face structured interviews by someone who could project a nonjudgmental aura. It would necessarily be retrospective. But it might yield some surprising and helpful information that could be used to target our attack on the epidemic of vaccine refusal.

We know that outbreaks of certain infectious diseases, smallpox being the prime example, do not respond to media blitzes and immunization campaigns. Epidemics will continue to roll along unchecked until a labor-intensive, boots-on-the-ground, door-to-door case-finding effort is undertaken. Vaccine refusal may be similar to smallpox. It appears to be unresponsive to mass media and educational initiatives. It may continue to plague us until we chase down its roots.

Whatever strategy we try next, it is clear that although most parents report that they consider pediatricians among their most trusted sources of health information for their children, we are failing to reach a segment of our target audience. We are too late, long after the die is cast.

Dr. Wilkoff practiced primary care pediatrics in Brunswick, Maine, for nearly 40 years. He has authored several books on behavioral pediatrics including “How to Say No to Your Toddler.”

*This story was updated 1/28/2016.

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