The current aims of the study presented by Dr. Macfarlane were to first quantify the extent to which meeting fibromyalgia criteria was associated with higher measures of disease activity and impact, and then to see if meeting these criteria was associated with a poorer response to first use of a TNFi.
In order to find out, Dr. Macfarlane and his associates examined data from the prospective BSRBR-AS, which has been running since 2012. The BSRBR-AS recruits patients with ASAS-confirmed axSpA who are newly starting biologics from 83 U.K. centers.
At recruitment and at 3 months, patients starting biologic treatment undergo several assessments, which since 2015 has included research criteria for fibromyalgia (J Rheumatol. 2011;38:1113–22). The latter incorporate a Widespread Pain Index rated 0-19 and a Symptom Severity Scale rated 0-12 and cover items such as fatigue and waking up unrefreshed, and the presence of lower abdominal pain or headaches.
To date, around 1,750 participants in the BSRBR-AS have completed the fibromyalgia criteria, Dr. Macfarlane said.