Crohn’s disease usually affects the terminal ileum. CT is useful for identifying complications such as strictures/fistulas and abscesses.
Celiac disease involves elevated endomysial antibody and human tissue transglutaminase antibody. On CT, a characteristic jejunoileal fold pattern reversal can be seen.
A 24-hour urine test + imaging studies
The most useful diagnostic test for carcinoid tumor is the 24-hour urinary test for 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), the metabolic end-product of serotonin. The normal rate of 5-HIAA excretion ranges from 3 to 15 mg/d, whereas the rates of patients with carcinoid tumors may have elevated levels.7
What you’ll see. On CT scan, a carcinoid tumor affecting the mesentery appears as a soft tissue mass with calcification and desmoplastic stranding, which produces a “sunburst” appearance. Another diagnostic tool is the octreotide scan, which is considered the test of choice due to its high sensitivity for detection of the tumor and metastases.8 The increase in somatostatin receptors seen with carcinoid tumors allows not only imaging by octreotide scan but also therapy using octreotide with larger doses of therapeutic radioactive agents.
Continue to: If tumor is operable, surgery is curative