Livin' on the MDedge

Tantrum-taming edibles, support gators, and chemo eggs


Synergy is not always a good thing

Since it is generally agreed that two heads are better than one, three heads must be even better than two, right? But what if we’re not talking about heads? Suppose, instead, that the subject is global pandemics. Would it be better if three of the greatest threats to humanity’s existence on the planet decided to join forces?

synergy MatiasEnElMundo/gettyimages

The Lancet Global Syndemic Commission, a group of more than 40 international experts, said that obesity, undernutrition, and climate change “constitute a syndemic, or synergy of epidemics, because they co-occur in time and place, interact with each other to produce complex sequelae, and share common underlying societal drivers” (Lancet. 2019 Jan. 27. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736[18]32822-8).

It gets better: The commission suggested that the “three interconnected health pandemics [have been] effectively orchestrated by the shadowy manipulations and influence of vested commercial interests – an entity collectively defined as ‘Big Food,’ ” according to Science Alert.

This all seems like a lot to overcome, but we here at LOTME have faith in science, and in the scientists who are working to solve these problems. After all, it’s not like anyone’s out there disregarding the science and saying that this stuff isn’t really happening. … Wait, what? … Climate change deniers? … Really? … The president tweeted what? … We’re doomed.

I prefer my medication sunny side up

Here’s a hypothetical question for you: If you were to have cancer, how would you prefer to be treated? Would you rather go through the rigors of chemotherapy? Or would you rather eat an omelet?

Eggs paci77/

Okay, it probably wouldn’t work quite like that, but a group of physicians from the University of Edinburgh have successfully modified chickens to lay eggs containing a pair of human proteins within the egg white.

One of these proteins has antiviral and anticancer effects, and the other can help damaged tissue repair itself. The researchers added that the protein in the egg white could be modified to make the key ingredients for other protein-based drugs such as Avastin and Herceptin, which are used for treating cancer.

We know what you’re thinking: It’ll probably take a thousand eggs to make one dose – but no, it only takes three. Over the course of a year, one chicken could produce a hundred doses, and do it for far cheaper than is currently possible. We hate jumping on the social media bandwagon here, but frankly, this is an egg worth giving millions of Instagram likes.


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