Photo Rounds

Multiple hyperpigmented papules and plaques

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We had our suspicions as to the diagnosis, but a particular sign was missing. The biopsy settled things.



A 2-year-old girl with Fitzpatrick skin type VI who had recently emigrated from Djibouti presented to our dermatology clinic for a rash that appeared when she was 2 months old. The lesions occasionally were pruritic after sun exposure or after crawling outside. There was no associated abdominal pain, diarrhea, flushing, or hypotension. Topical moisturizers were not helpful.

The patient had no known allergies or other notable medical history. Physical examination revealed multiple hyperpigmented, oval-shaped, slightly raised papules and plaques on her torso (FIGURE 1), neck, and arms, and fewer lesions on her face and legs. Darier sign was not appreciated on the initial consult. A 4-mm punch biopsy of the patient’s right middle back was performed at this visit.

Multiple polymorphic hyperpigmented macular and papular lesions



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