It’s important for clinicians to ask women whether they are experiencing symptoms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) before and after menopause, according to a new statement from the North American Menopause Society.
Stephanie Faubion, MD, MBA, medical director of NAMS, presented the updated statement at the virtual annual meeting of the North American Menopause Society.
“The one thing we tried to emphasize is proactive counseling and proactive inquiry, educating women when they hit perimenopause that this is a thing and that there are treatments,” Dr. Faubion said in an interview.
Changes from previous statement
The GSM statement describes the symptoms and signs resulting from estrogen deficiency on the genitourinary tract, Dr. Faubion explained. The biggest change from the earlier version, published in 2013, is the condition’s new name. Formerly known as vulvovaginal atrophy, the condition’s new term was developed in 2014 and is now preferred by NAMS and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists because it’s more comprehensive. Rather than just a physical description of the condition, GSM encompasses the many related symptoms and the urinary tract changes that occur, and it clearly associates the condition with menopause.
“Women don’t always associate these changes with menopause and don’t recognize that there’s something that can be done about it,” Dr. Faubion said. “We like to emphasize that sex should never be painful, but it’s not just about sex. It’s about comfort.”
Other changes include a review of evidence related to vaginal laser therapy for GSM and the availability of Imvexxy vaginal inserts with lower doses (4 mcg and 10 mpg) of estrogen.
Etiology and diagnosis of GSM
The presence of endogenous estrogen keeps the vaginal lining thick, rugated, well vascularized, and lubricated. As estrogen levels decline during postmenopause, the epithelial lining becomes thinner, with reduced blood supply and loss of glycogen.
The most common symptoms of GSM include irritation of the vulva, inadequate vaginal lubrication, burning, dysuria, dyspareunia, and vaginal discharge, but the symptoms may not always correlate with physical findings. In women with surgical menopause, the symptoms tend to be more severe. The most distressing symptoms to women are often those that affect sexual function.
“Clinicians must be proactive in asking menopausal women if GSM symptoms are present, even before menopause begins,” Dr. Faubion said.
Taking a women’s history during evaluation may help identify contributing factors, other causes, or potentially effective treatments based on what has worked in the past. History should include a description of symptoms, their onset and duration, how distressing they are, and their effect on the woman’s quality of life. A sexual history, such as lubricants the woman has used, can also be useful in determining management strategies.
Signs of GSM include labial atrophy, vaginal dryness, introital stenosis, clitoral atrophy, phimosis of the prepuce, reduced mons pubis and labia majora bulk, reduced labia minora tissue and pigmentation, and changes in the urethra, including erythema of the urethral meatus and commonly a urethral caruncle, a benign outgrown of inflammatory tissue that likely results from low estrogen levels and can be treated effectively with topical hormonal therapies.
A diagnosis of GSM requires both physical findings and bothersome symptoms, though not necessarily specific vaginal maturation index or vaginal pH values. The differential diagnosis speaks to the importance of taking a good history: allergic or inflammatory conditions, infection, trauma, presence of a foreign body, malignancy, vulvodynia, chronic pelvic pain, or provoked pelvic floor hypertonia.
If first-line therapies of over-the-counter lubricants do not sufficiently treat GSM, other effective treatments include low-dose vaginal estrogen therapy, systemic estrogen therapy if other menopause symptoms are present, vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and ospemifene.