Dx: Cellulitis, compartment syndrome by scorpion sting
Based on the necrotic puncture wounds, unilateral distribution of the swelling, and the patient’s acknowledgement that he’d seen a scorpion in his work environment prior to symptom onset, he was given a diagnosis of cellulitis with secondary compartment syndrome following a scorpion sting.
A geographic problem
In the United States, there are approximately 17,000 reported cases of scorpion stings every year, with fewer than 11 related deaths reported between 1999 and 2014.1 These cases tend to follow a geographic distribution along the American Southwest, with the highest incidence occurring in Arizona, followed by Texas; the majority of cases occur during the summer months.1
The most clinically relevant scorpion in the United States is the Centruroides sculpturatus, also known as the Arizona bark scorpion.2Centruroides spp can be recognized by a slender, yellow to light brown or tan body measuring 1.3 cm to 7.6 cm in length. There is a tubercule at the base of the stringer, a defining characteristic of the species.3
Urgent care is necessary for more severe symptoms
The most common complaint following a scorpion sting tends to be pain (88.7%), followed by numbness, edema, and erythema.1 Other signs and symptoms include muscle spasms, hypertension, and salivation. Symptoms can persist for 10 to 48 hours. Cardiovascular collapse and disseminated intravascular coagulation are 2 potentially fatal complications of a scorpion sting.
The diagnosis is made clinically based on history and physical exam findings; a complete blood count, coagulation panel, and creatine kinase and amylase/lipase bloodwork may be ordered to assess for end-organ complications. Local serious complications, such as compartment syndrome, should be urgently referred for surgical management.
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