Outcome Referrals, Inc., Framingham, MA (Drs. Kraus and Trudeau); University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine (Drs. Williams and Hobbs); University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Dr. Constantino); University at Albany, SUNY, NY (Dr. Boswell) dkraus@outcomereferrals.com
Dr. Kraus is the founder, president, and chief scientific officer of Outcome Referrals, Inc., which processes the Treatment Outcome Package (royalty free) through WellnessCheck.net and owns and manages MatchedTherapists. com. Dr. Trudeau is the Director of Research at Outcome Referrals, Inc. Drs. Williams, Hobbs, Constantino, and Boswell reported no potential conflict of interest relevant to this article.
In this article, we present a solution to a common issue faced by mental health care patients: failure to benefit meaningfully from mental health treatment. Matching patients to specific BHPs based on effectiveness data regarding the therapist’s strengths and skills can improve patient outcomes and reduce harm. In addition, patients appear to value this approach. A Robert Wood Johnson Foundation–funded study demonstrated that patients value seeing practitioners who have a track record of successfully treating previous patients with similar issues.25,26 In many cases, patients indicated they would prioritize this matching process over other factors such as practitioners with a higher number of years of experience or the same demographic characteristics as the patient.25,26
In many cases, patients indicated they would prioritize this matching process over other factors such as practitioners with a higher number of years of experience.
These findings may represent a new area in the science of health care. Over the past century, major advances in diagnosis and treatment—the 2 primary pillars of health care—have turned the art of medicine into a science. However, the art of making referrals has not advanced commensurately, as there has been little attention focused on the “referral bridge” between these 2 pillars. As the studies reviewed in this paper demonstrate, a referral bridge deserves exploration in all fields of medicine.
CORRESPONDENCE David R. Kraus, PhD, 1 Speen Street, Framingham, MA 01701; dkraus@outcomereferrals.com