
Community Project Targets Heart Health in West Virginia


To date, 17,516 students in West Virginia have participated in Healthy Hearts 4 Kids, according to Eloise Elliott, Ph.D., associate director of interventions for CARDIAC. Analysis of surveys conducted pre- and postintervention demonstrated that students improved in the content areas of heart knowledge, physical activity, nutrition, and tobacco use.

For example, when students from the 2005–2006 school year were asked “what is the minimum number of minutes each day experts recommend you should be physically active?” 28% provided the correct answer of 60 minutes before the intervention while 87% responded correctly thereafter.

Other evidence-based interventions are being implemented both in school and community settings, based on the needs of each respective community.

“We don't try to dictate what happens; we help communities accomplish what they think their priority should be in terms of an intervention,” Dr. Neal explained.

“This is not a West Virginia University project. This is a West Virginia project.”


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