Because this year’s vaccine covers the same selection of influenza strains, one dose is sufficient for children who were vaccinated last year, according to the committee.
For people with egg allergies, the CDC recommends that those who have experienced only hives should be vaccinated with the trivalent inactivated vaccine, not the live attenuated influenza vaccine. They should also be observed for 30 minutes after receiving the vaccine.
Before considering vaccination of patients with more serious egg allergies, they should be referred to physicians who have expertise in managing serious reactions.
The recommendation also includes information about a new formulation of the inactivated influenza vaccine, Dr. Bridges stated. The Fluzone Intradermal vaccine (Sanofi Pasteur), which uses a single-dose microinjection system for intradermal delivery, received FDA approval earlier this year. Fluzone is recommended for patients 18 years through 64 years.
Dr. Bridges reported no conflicts of interest with respect to the data presented.