Clinical Inquiries

How reliable are self-measured blood pressures taken at home?

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Self-measured blood pressures (SMBP) can be precise and accurate and, thus, reliably be used as an adjunct to office blood pressure measurements in selected clinical situations (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B, extrapolation and limited trials). Clinicians using SMBP need to be aware of the difference in normal reference ranges, with pressures greater than 135/85 mm Hg considered hypertensive.

Whether hypertensive treatment should be based primarily on SMBP is unclear, and currently undergoing study. Clinicians should recommend multiple daily measurements with a validated and standardized device, preferably equipped with memory or transmission capabilities, in order to avoid patient error in transcribing and reporting values. Wrist or finger devices cannot reliably be used (SOR: B, limited comparison studies).

Evidence summary

Office blood pressure (OBP) has traditionally been used in long-term trials to describe the relationship between blood pressure and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, as well as to establish the efficacy of antihypertensive drug therapy. A prospective randomized trial demonstrating the relationship between therapy based on SMBP to these same outcomes is in progress.1

Two large prospective cohort studies of the relationship between SMBP and morbidity and mortality made comparative baseline blood pressure measurements and followed the cohorts without suggestions or attempts to change management. The first was a rural population-based study with 1789 subjects (90% of the population) from Ohasama, Japan.2 Mean follow-up was 6.6 years with less than 1% dropout rate. The second large cohort study (SHEAF trial) included patients 60 years old with the diagnosis of hypertension.3 A total of 4939 cases were analyzed. Mean follow-up was 3.2 years with less than 1% dropout rate. Both studies show that each mm Hg increase in SMBP was a better predictor of cardiovascular events than an equivalent increase in OBP (Table 1).

Office blood pressure measurements exhibit large variability (decreased precision) and are subject to multiple biases (decreased accuracy). Self-measured blood pressures at home became common when “white-coat hypertension” was recognized to be clinically significant. It allows for a larger number of measurements for individual patients, resulting in greater precision than OBP.4 SMBP correlates better than OBP with surrogate measures of hypertensive control, such as ambulatory blood pressure measurement5 and left ventricular mass.6 Thus, SMBP might some day become the gold standard for defining hypertension in the clinical setting. Meanwhile, the correlation between OBP and SMBP can be derived via three different mathematical models using data from multiple studies. The accepted cutoff for SMBP defined hypertension is 135/85 mm Hg.7

The THOP trial8 was a single-blinded, randomized controlled trial of hypertensive treatment based on SMBP vs OBP. Four hundred patients were randomized to SMBP or OBP, with medication adjustments made by a blinded clinician. The trial design called for both treatment groups to be titrated to a diastolic blood pressure of 80 to 89 mm Hg. The follow-up was approximately 1 year. Graphical data indicate that both groups were equally effective in meeting the blood pressure goals outlined in the methods.

Other differences in outcomes were proportional to the known difference in normotensive reference ranges (eg, that OBP tend to run higher than SMBP). Patients in the SMBP group were put on less-intensive drug treatment and incurred slightly lower medical costs. SMBP patients were twice as likely to have their blood pressure medication discontinued, possibly indicating SMBP helped to identify white-coat hypertension.

Increase in cardiovascular mortality for each 1 mm Hg increase in blood pressure

Cox Proportional Relative Hazards Ratio [95 % CI]
Home systolic BPHome diastolic BPOffice systolic BPOffice diastolic BP
Ohasama study2*1.021[1.001–1.041]1.015 [0.986–1.045]1.005 [0.990–1.020]1.008 [0.984–1.033]
SHEAF study31.02 [1.01–1.02]1.02 [1.01–1.03]1.01 [1.00–1.01]1.00 [0.99–1.02]
*Results were adjusted for age, sex, smoking status, history of cardiovascular disease, and use of antihypertensive medication.
†Increase in cardiovascular events for each 1 mm Hg increase in blood pressure. Results were adjusted for age, sex, heart rate, smoking status, history of cardiovascular events, presence of diabetes, presence of obesity, and presence of treatment for hypercholesterolemia.
‡Statistically significant.


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