Michael M. Grant, MA Rayvelle A. Barney, MD Peggy J. Wagner, PhD Ginger C. Moseley, MS Rita Dianati Augusta, Georgia Submitted, revised, May 9, 2000. From the Department of Family Medicine, Medical College of Georgia. Reprint requests should be addressed to Peggy J. Wagner, PhD, 1120 15th Street, HB-3041, Medical College of Georgia, Department of Family Medicine, Augusta, GA 30912-3500. E-mail: pwagner@mail.mcg.edu.
Becoming more aware of their patients’ use of alternative pharmacotherapies will improve physicians’ understanding of their patients’ health care, will offer opportunities to give important warnings or advice about the use of alternative drugs or preparations, thereby reducing the chances of drug interaction, and will enhance physician-patient communication. Future studies should obtain data from larger samples and from multiple family practice sites in divergent geographic areas.
The authors would like to thank the Faculty Development Group of the Department of Family Medicine at the Medical College of Georgia for their review and suggestions regarding early versions of this manuscript.