Photo Rounds

Pruritic blisters on legs and feet

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Focus on symptoms and prevention

BABR will resolve over time without aggressive intervention. Most patients are treated symptomatically with oral anti-histamines and topical steroids for pruritus.1 Prevention of further bites is important because of the risk of arthropod-transmitted diseases.21

Our patient couldn’t comfortably wear shoes

Our patient had extensive tense blistering on both legs that prevented him from comfortably wearing shoes (FIGURE 2). Using a #11 blade, we punctured all of the blisters at the most dependent portion of each lesion. We decompressed the lesions, but did not de-roof them so that the blistered skin could serve as a biological dressing. We applied topical mupirocin and wrapped both legs with a compressive dressing.

We gave the patient a 2-week tapering course of oral prednisone. At the 3-week follow-up, all of the blistered skin had completely healed with the exception of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. No new lesions developed. Our patient was well, with no recurrence of blistering, at his 6-month follow-up.

Wearing shoes was a problem

Our patient’s extensive tense blistering precluded him from comfortably wearing shoes. We punctured and decompressed the lesions, but did not de-roof them. The blistered skin served as a biological dressing.

Kendall Lane, MD, Expeditionary Health Services Pacific, 3985 Cummings Rd, Suite 4, San Diego, CA 92136;


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