Applied Evidence

Minor derm ailments: How good is the evidence for common treatments?

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Further details on the following information are available from the corresponding author:
  • terms used in searching online databases
  • post hoc power analysis
  • a summary of treatment rationales, therapies and their effectiveness, country where the research was undertaken, number of authors, and year of article publication for each dermatologic ailment.


We collected 71 articles published in the medical literature between January 1981 and July 2007.11-81 On average, we found 2 articles per minor dermatologic ailment, with a range of 0 to 7. For 7 common ailments, we found no studies on therapies; for 13 ailments we found just 1 trial each.

For 20 of the 42 ailments, we found a SR of treatments (10 Cochrane reviews, 5 Clinical Evidence, and 5 from other sources). Most articles describing RCTs presented results with wide confidence intervals (LOEs 1b- and 2b-), mainly due to small sample sizes. Eleven RCTs (14%) had high dropout rates (LOE 2b or 2b-).

Seventy-four percent of all the trials were conducted in Europe and North America. The United States (24%) and United Kingdom (25%) were the largest contributors. Studies of Asian and South American populations (eg, Indian, Nepalese, Iraqi, Brazilian) tended to focus on problems more prevalent in these countries, such as lice and scabies.

For 26 of the 42 ailments, evidence was unclear (no studies or studies with inconclusive evidence). Very few of the therapies commonly used for minor dermatologic ailments are supported by high-level research evidence. Even some SRs included only methodologically poor RCTs, which indicates that more research is needed.

A look at outcomes. The TABLE summarizes the effectiveness of therapies usually applied to minor dermatologic ailments in daily practice. The columns present, in turn:

  • the minor ailment,
  • the treatments usually applied in daily practice,
  • the number of studies found for these treatments,
  • the condition at which treatment was aimed,
  • whether the targeted condition belongs to 1 of the 4 categories of main symptoms,
  • whether the study/studies reported a positive effect for the treatment,
  • whether the evidence for the effectiveness of a particular treatment was (according to the authors) convincing,
  • whether the overall rating of evidence was convincing,
  • and whether further studies are needed.

Results varied. With partial thickness burns, evidence was conflicting on the effectiveness and the harms of silver sulfadiazine and several types of gauzes. For boils, we could find no trial about therapy. For both warts and mollusca contagiosa, Cochrane reviews were inconclusive on therapies commonly used in general practice. Evidence was also inconclusive for treatments for paronychia, polymorphic light eruption, and dog and cat bites.

The treatment of minor dermatologic ailments: What the research tells us

Treatments for which sufficient positive evidence exists are formatted in bold; those for which negative evidence exists are formatted in bold italic.

Dermatological minor ailment (N*)TreatmentTarget for treatmentCategory of treatment target, according to main symptomsWas treatment effective?Was the research convincing?Overall rating of research evidenceAre further studies required?
1.Partial thickness burns (4)Oral antibiotics (flucloxacillin)11Infection (bacterial)Bacterial infectionNo trialsNoModerateYes
Gauze dressings11Skin lesion LikelyConflicting
Silver sulfadiazine11Skin lesion NoConflicting
Betadine12Infection (bacterial)Bacterial infectionYesYes
2.Polymorphic light eruption (4)Neutral lotionItchItchNo trialsNoPoorYes
Oral antihistaminesItchItchNo trialsNo
Sunscreens16,17Preventive YesNo
3.Acute urticaria (2)Local ointmentsItch/rashItchNo trialsNoModerateYes
Oral antihistamines19Itch/rashItchYesYes
4.Insect bites and stings (0)DoxycyclineInfection (bacterial)Bacterial infectionNo trialsNoNoneYes
AmoxicillinInfection (bacterial)Bacterial infectionNo trialsNo
Oral antihistaminesPain/itchItchNo trialsNo
5.Pediculosis (3)Malathion21Infection YesYesGoodNo
Permethrin22Infection YesYes
LindaneInfection No trialsNo
Combing23Infection YesYes
6.Scabies (3)Permethrin25,26Infection YesYesGoodNo
Lindane24Infection YesYes
Benzyl benzoateInfection No trialsNo
MalathionInfection No trialsNo
7.Dog and cat bites (1)Oral antibiotics (amoxicillin)27Infection (bacterial)Bacterial infectionYes, for bites to the hands. No, for other bitesNoModerateYes
8.Abrasions (1)Paraffin gauzeSkin lesion No trialsNoPoorYes
Non-adherent absorbent compressSkin lesion No trialsNo
BetadineSkin lesion/infection (bacterial)Bacterial infectionNo trialsNo
Honey2Skin lesion LikelyNo
9.Warts (4)Salicylic acid29Lump on the skin YesYesModerateYes
Cryotherapy29Lump on the skin NoNo
Duct tape occlusion30-32Lump on the skin NoYes, treatment was not effective
Surgical proceduresLump on the skin No trialsNo
10.Molluscum contagiosum (1)Curettage33Lump on the skin No trialsNoPoorYes
Liquid nitrogen33Lump on the skin No trialsNo
Fusidic acid cream33Lump on the skin No trialsNo
Betadine33Lump on the skin NoNo
11.Furuncles (0)Hot compressPainBacterial infectionNo trialsNoNoneYes
AntibioticsInfection (bacterial)Bacterial infectionNo trialsNo
12.Impetigo (1)Local fusidic acid or mupirocin34Infection (bacterial)Bacterial infectionYesYesGoodNo
Oral antibiotics34Infection (bacterial)Bacterial infectionYesYes, but less effective than local treatment in limited disease
13.Pityriasis versicolor (2)Selenium sulphideInfectionFungal infectionNo trialsNoModerateYes
ImidazoleInfectionFungal infectionNo trialsNo
Fluconazole35InfectionFungal infectionYesNo
Itraconazole36InfectionFungal infectionYesNo
14.Intertrigo (2)Miconazole37,38InfectionFungal infectionYesYesModerateYes
Hydrocortisone37InfectionFungal infectionNoNo
15.Erythrasma (1)ImidazoleInfection (bacterial)Bacterial infectionNo trialsNoGoodNo
Benzoic acidInfection (bacterial)Bacterial infectionNo trialsNo
Erythromycin39Infection (bacterial)Bacterial infectionYesYes
16.Shingles (6)Acyclovir40Infection (viral) YesYesModerate/GoodYes
Famcyclovir41Infection (viral) YesNo
Acyclovir + prednisolone42Infection (viral) YesNo
Corticosteroids43,44Inflammation NoYes, treatment was not effective
Amitriptyline45Pain LikelyNo
17.Pruritus in the elderly (1)Local emollientsItchItchNo trialsNoModerateYes
CorticosteroidsItchItchNo trialsNo
Local antihistaminesItchItchNo trialsNo
Oral antihistamines46ItchItchYesYes
18.Xeroderma (0)EmollientsDry skin No trialsNoNoneYes
19.Androgenic alopecia (5)WigHair loss No trialsNoModerateYes
Finasteride49-51Hair loss YesYes
Minoxidil47,48Hair loss LikelyConflicting
20.Alopecia areata (5)Minoxidil52,53Hair loss NoNoModerateYes
Oral prednisolone54Hair loss LikelyNo
Desoxymethasone55Hair loss NoNo
Betamethasone56Hair loss LikelyNo
21.Dandruff (4)Zinc pyrithione57Infection (yeast)Fungal infectionYesNoModerateYes
Ciclopirox58-60Infection (yeast)Fungal infectionYesYes
Ketoconazole61Infection (yeast)Fungal infectionYesYes
Selenium sulphide61Infection (yeast)Fungal infectionYesYes
22.Seborrhoeic eczema (2)Zinc pyrithione57Infection (yeast)Fungal infectionYesNoModerateYes
Ketoconazole61Infection (yeast)Fungal infectionYesYes
Coal tar61Infection (yeast)Fungal infectionYesYes
Selenium sulphide61Infection (yeast)Fungal infectionYesNo
23.Herpes labialis (1)Sunscreens62Prevention YesYesGoodNo
Oral antivirals62Infection (viral) YesYes
Zinc oxide cream62Skin lesion LikelyNo
Topical antiviralsInfection (viral) No trialsNo
Topical antiviralsPain No trialsNo
24.Perioral dermatitis (1)Clean with waterPrevention No trialsNoPoorYes
Topical metronidazole63InfectionBacterial infectionLikelyNo
TetracyclineInfectionBacterial infectionNoNo
25.Oral thrush (1)Nystatin64InfectionFungal infectionLess effective than miconazoleNoGoodNo
Miconazole64InfectionFungal infectionYesYes
26.Salmon patch (0)No treatment is needed NoneNo
27.Chloasma (3)Hydroquinone, tretinoin, hydrocortisone combination65,66Skin irritation YesNoModerateYes
Hydroquinone 67Skin irritation YesNo
28.Rosacea (2)Topical metronidazole68InfectionBacterial infectionYesYesModerateYes
Azelaic acid68InfectionBacterial infectionYesYes
Zinc-sulphate69InfectionBacterial infectionYesNo
Tetracycline68InfectionBacterial infectionYesNo
29.Umbilical problems in infants (0)Disinfectant liquidInfectionBacterial infectionNo trials-NoneYes
Antiseptic dressingInfectionBacterial infectionNo trials-
Silver nitrateTo stop granulations No trials-
ElectrocauterizationTo stop granulations No trials-
30.Nappy rash (2)Zinc oxide cream70Skin lesion YesYesModerateYes
Miconazole71InfectionFungal infectionYesNo
HydrocortisoneItchItchNo trialsNo
31.Fish hook in finger (0)Local extirpationSkin lesion No trials-NoneNo
32.Splinter under nail (0)Splinter removalSkin lesion No trials-NoneNo
33.Subungual hematoma (1)Making a hole in the nail72Discharging hematoma LikelyNoModerateYes
34.Brittle nails (0)Terbinafine (oral)Infection No trialsNoNoneYes
Itraconazole (oral)Infection No trialsNo
35.Paronychia (0)AntibioticsIInfection (bacterial)Bacterial infectionNo trialsNoPoorYes
DrainageDischarging pus No trialsNo
Antifungal creamInfectionFungal infectionNo trialsNo
36.Fungal infection of the nail (3)Local treatment (imidazole)73InfectionFungal infectionYesYesGoodNo
Oral terbinafine74,75InfectionFungal infectionYesYes
37.Calluses on the feet (1)Removing the excess callus76Removing callosity YesNoNoneYes
Disinfectant ointmentInfection No trialsNo
38.Ingrown nail (2)Wedge excision77,78Removing infected tissue YesYesGoodYes
Chemical ablation77,78Destruction nail matrix YesYes
39.Corns (1)Salicylic acidResolution callosity No trialsNoNoneYes
Excision76Removing callosity YesNo
40.Athlete’s foot (1)Imidazole79InfectionFungal infectionYesYesGoodNo
Imidazole + hydrocortisone79Infection/itchFungal infection /itchYesYes
Itraconazole79InfectionFungal infectionYesYes
41.Foot blisters (2)BetadineInfectionBacterial infectionNo trialsNoModerateYes
Antiperspirant 80,81Reducing incidence of blisters YesConflicting
42.Plantar warts (4)Salicylic acid29Lump on the skin YesYesModerate/goodYes
Cryotherapy 29Lump on the skin NoNo
Duct tape occlusion30-32Lump on the skin NoYes, treatment was not effective
Surgical proceduresLump on the skin No trialsNo
*N=Number of trials.
Convincing evidence taken as level of evidence 1a or 1b.

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