Photo Rounds

Persistent itchy pink rings

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A 57-year-old retired farm worker came into the clinic with itchy pink rings all over his abdomen, legs, and arms. He said that the rash began 13 years ago, soon after he had retired from working in the fields. He said he had been exposed to pesticide chemicals but no other toxins. He’d never received a diagnosis of atopy or “sensitive skin.” He had sun damage on his lower arms, but none on the areas where the rash appeared.

Over the years, he had tried over-the-counter topical steroids, antifungals, and oral antihistamines, all with minimal relief. Furthermore, the lesions did not respond to 2 courses of oral antifungal medications. He said, “some days it itches more than others, but I just deal with it.” The patient was otherwise healthy and on no medications. He had been treated for active tuberculosis in the past but had no symptoms at this time. Out of his frustration, he recently began using paint thinner on the lesions. He thought the paint thinner “dried the rash out” and decreased the itching.

The distribution of the lesions can be seen in Figure 1. Erythematous rings can be seen on the abdomen and legs. These vary in size and shape. Figure 2 is a close-up of the left thigh showing the scale. There was no blanching erythema, no induration, no warmth, and no tenderness to palpation.

Rings on the trunk and legs

The patient had large erythematous pink rings on his trunk and legs.

Close-up of thigh

Close-up of conjoined rings on the thigh. Arrow pointing to one section of the annular scale.

What is the Diagnosis?
