Conference Coverage

AAFP votes to ban energy drink sales to kids



SAN DIEGO – The American Academy of Family Physicians will push the federal government to ban on the sale of energy drinks – caffeinated beverages that come in fizzy cans or small twist-cap bottle syrups – to kids under 18 years old, following a vote to do so by its Congress of Delegates.

Pitched largely to kids, "energy drinks are dangerous to youth and can lead to dehydration, particularly when consumed with alcohol," a not uncommon practice among minors. The academy will also work with the Food and Drug Administration to oppose handing out free samples to kids and establish specific definitions of stimulant drinks.

©Alexander Mirokhin/

"Energy drinks are dangerous to youth and can lead to dehydration, particularly when consumed with alcohol," say AAFP reps.

Delegates were following the news reports of the harm done by these drinks, which have been associated with thousands of visits by minors to the emergency department, and some deaths, mostly among children who overindulged on energy drinks. The beverages typically contain perhaps 200 mg of caffeine – but sometimes much more – plus herbs and other ingredients added to boost stimulating effects. In comparison, a 16 oz. Starbuck’s coffee comes with a 330 mg caffeine bolus.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has already come out against the drinks, and a few states are considering bans on sales to those under age 18 years.

The problem in New York, though, where AAFP’s resolution originated, is that legislators "believe this is a federal issue, an FDA issue," said Vito Grasso, executive vice-president of the state’s AAFP chapter. Meanwhile, N.Y. doctors are seeing heart issues, hyperactivity, and exacerbations of asthma and other chronic conditions in children because of the drinks, Mr. Grasso said.

AAFP is likely to draft legislation to remind the FDA that it has jurisdiction in the matter and can demand that companies fully disclose what the drinks contain, but AAFP delegates agreed with their N.Y. colleagues that there’s already enough evidence to ban the drinks for kids.

Vito Grasso

The move was just 1 of more than 50 resolutions tackled by AAFP delegates. None matched the fireworks of 2012’s vote to support gay marriage, but delegates considered some controversial topics.

Gun violence was one of those. Attendees voted to name it "a significant public health problem" that needs "further research."

That wasn’t as light-footed as it sounds. Worried that scientific findings might be used to support firearm limits, gun interests have kept the federal government from funding gun violence studies for almost 20 years, AAFP board chair Dr. Jeffrey Cain explained later.

The de-facto ban was relaxed a bit after a troubled, assault-weapon–wielding 20-year-old killed his mother and murdered 20 kindergarten and first grade students, and six teachers and administrators trying to protect them, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., in December 2012. Delegates decided it’s time to get behind federal dollars to find how to stop gun murder in the United States and generate the data needed to cut through the country’s indecision on gun access.

Delegates voted down, however, calls by delegates from Washington and Oregon for mandatory background checks and tracking of all gun sales and transfers; delegates decided the issues were too "divisive."

Gun violence "is now recognized by our Academy as an issue of public health," just like using seatbelts in cars. Beyond that, though, "our members’ political views span the full spectrum, like the citizens of America," Dr. Cain said.

Delegates also decided that AAFP’s current gun policy addresses the intent of the Northwest measures, including, as it does, opposition to civilian ownership of military assault weapons, backing of doctors’ rights to ask gun owners about firearm safety in their homes, and support of background checks to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and people with mental illness.

Other measures

Guns and energy drinks weren’t the only things on AAFP delegates’ minds.

The group, which decides academy legislative and policy priorities, tackled more than 50 resolutions. Among them, it directed the academy to do the following:

• Push for automated electronic defibrillators in high schools.

• Work to ensure that "relative value unit" compensation models aren’t used to shortchange family doctors’ paychecks.

• Allow family medicine residents to prescribe for Medicaid patients.

• Stop states from adding extra CME requirements beyond what boards require.

• Consider legislative fixes so doctors can keep their license protections when helping sports teams and disaster victims out of state.

Delegates also revisited gay marriage. Oklahoma wanted the academy to take a neutral position on the issue, arguing that, like abortion and gun control, the issue is too divisive for members and goes beyond the medical issues AAFP should focus on.


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