Patient Resources

CDC Ebola resources for parents and families



Children’s needs differ significantly from the needs of adults, especially when it comes to handling dire situations like the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa that has resulted in a few cases in the United States.

Children may be at increased risk for developing the infection if they have recently traveled to one of the countries experiencing an outbreak. However, since children are very unlikely to be caregivers or participate in funeral activities that raise the risk of exposure, the chances of a child in the United States developing Ebola is very low, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is important to keep in mind that the virus can be transmitted only through direct contact with an Ebola patient when they are symptomatic.

Children require more care and attention to prevent Ebola than adults do. ©NIAID/Creative Commons License

Children require more care and attention to prevent Ebola than adults do.

Because information about Ebola can be scary and alarming for children, it is important for parents, schools, and healthcare providers to recognize and address the developmental and psychological needs of children to help them better understand facts about the illness and their risk of exposure. It is also important for health care providers to be prepared just in case the need arises to address a potential Ebola case.

The CDC recommends the following resources to guide families and others who work with children:

1. What You Need to Know About Ebola

2. Ebola: What Parents Need to Know

3. How to Discuss Ebola with Your Children

For schools and child care centers:

Interim U.S. Guidance for Monitoring and Movement of Persons with Potential Ebola Virus Exposure

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