The development of language in children is like the canary in the coal mine – problems of genetics, medical conditions, and environment all can cause it to go awry. Whatever the cause, it is very important to make sure a child with a problem in this area gets prompt assistance, because how speech and language progress also affects many aspects of the child’s success in life and what it is like to parent them.
Some of the factors known to put a child at risk for delays or deviations in speech and language development include prematurity and low birth weight; genetic conditions such as Down syndrome; physical problems such as cerebral palsy or seizure disorders; hearing impairment; and, as usual, being a boy. The most common reason for delayed language is general delay or intellectual disability. A family history of speech and language disorders also adds to the risk, and one single gene defect has even been found for a few of these. Eight percent of young children have been estimated to have a delay in speech or language. The vast majority of them have no specific risk factors.
The “language environment” of the home is critical to language learning. Compared with high-income families, parents on welfare say one-third as many words to their children and working-class parents say one-half as many in the first 3 years. Because over 85% of a child’s words at age 3 years come from words heard from their parents, this is estimated to create a 30-million-word difference between children of high- versus low-income families by age 4 years! In addition, low-income parents provide two discouragements for each one encouragement, in contrast to one correction to six encouragements in high-income homes, with the additional psychological implications.
These sad facts contributed to the creation of the Reach Out and Read program, which I hope you have joined. A free book from the doctor at every checkup visit, some modeling of how to read to the child, and information about the importance of talking with the child are things you can do to emphasize the importance of language stimulation to development and academic success.
Most parents are very motivated by the promise of better school success from better language, but it can seem far away when the child is only 1 year old! A more immediate motivator is the threat of more temper tantrums and noncompliance in children with delayed language. Almost all children with language problems understand more than they can express. When the gap between understanding and speaking is greater, so is the child’s frustration. While a large percentage of children with expressive language problems will “outgrow” them, the pattern of angry reactivity and difficult parent child interactions may continue. This is a good reason to discuss promoting language but to also suggest Baby Signs ( starting in the first year, especially if communication frustration starts to emerge.
School is where the big impact from language impairments appears. And it is not just the significant association between early language disorders and persistent reading disability and even written language disability that you should worry about and monitor. Children with speech and language disorders, even simply dysarticulation, can be teased, bullied, and rejected socially. As a result, children with speech and language deficits experience lower self-esteem, greater discouragement, and sometimes reactive aggression. In addition to identifying these problems and getting treatment for the issues of language, learning, and socio-emotional adjustment, it is important to find nonverbal strengths in the child such as sports or music to give them a social group where they can find success.
Language problems in older children may be subtle and not noticed or complained about by their parents, who may have the same weakness. Even teachers may not connect the student’s poor academic performance to language difficulties because they seem to have “the basics.” If you notice a schoolaged child unable to understand or answer your questions with some sentence complexity, it is important to refer to a speech pathologist for assessment. Although there should be free evaluation and treatment services at the school, the speech pathologist may not be expert at assessing more complex language disorders. In addition, the child’s difficulties may not measure up as “impairing enough” to receive those services, and private services may be needed.
But if you do not feel like a child language expert, you are not alone! Not only were you lucky if you heard one lecture on language development during training, but the younger the child, the less language you are likely to hear from him or her during brief health supervision visits. The parent is probably dominating the conversation (if you are a good listener) trying to have their agenda addressed, and the child is either excited or terrified by your office environment.