Conference Coverage

VIDEO: Hype outstrips evidence on marijuana extracts for childhood epilepsy


AT AES 2014


SEATTLE – Desperate for help, many parents have tried treating infantile spasms and other childhood epilepsies with cannabidiol oils.

The Internet is full of parents’ testimonials that the marijuana extracts help. Although parents might be on to something, that won’t be known for certain until results are in from randomized, controlled trials about to get underway.

In the meantime, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, took a measure of the excitement in a recent anonymous survey of 117 parents.

In a video interview at the annual meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Dr. Shaun Hussain, director of the infantile spasms program at UCLA and the study’s senior investigator, explained the survey findings and how to counsel parents pending randomized trial results.

The video associated with this article is no longer available on this site. Please view all of our videos on the MDedge YouTube channel.

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