Law & Medicine

Lawsuits against skilled nursing facilities



Importantly, elder abuse judgments, as opposed to malpractice awards, may negate restrictions on attorney fees and noneconomic damages such as California’s $250,000 cap. The jury may also levy punitive damages, which are not covered by professional insurance. The plaintiff will need to prove, by clear and convincing evidence, something more than simple or gross negligence such as malice, fraud, oppression, or recklessness.6 Under California’s elder abuse and dependent Adult Civil Protection Act, an appellate court has held that a plaintiff may mount an elder abuse claim directed at physicians and not just facilities with “custodial” duties.7This important issue is currently under appeal before the California Supreme Court.


1. The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 3, 2014.

2. Stevenson, DG and DM Studdert, The Rise Of Nursing Home Litigation: Findings From A National Survey Of Attorneys. Health Affairs 2003; 22:219-29.

3. Manor Care Inc. v. Douglas, 763 N.E.2d 73 (W. Va. 2014).

4. Fleming v. Barnwell Nursing Hone and Health Facilities Inc., 309 A.D.2d 1132 (N.Y. App. Div. 2003).

5. See the American Medical Directors Association’s (AMDA) offering at

6. Delaney v. Baker, 20 Cal. 4th 23 (1999).

7. Winn v. Pioneer Medical Group Inc., 216 Cal. App. 4th 875 (2013).

Dr. Tan is emeritus professor of medicine and former adjunct professor of law at the University of Hawaii. He currently directs The St. Francis International Center for Healthcare Ethics in Honolulu. This article is meant to be educational and does not constitute medical, ethical, or legal advice. For additional information, readers may contact the author at


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