A plane crash interrupts a doctor’s vacation
‘My oldest brother-in-law jumped into his ski boat and we sped out to the scene.’
The Optimized Doctor
Sick call
A recent Medscape survey of physicians found that 85% said they had come to work sick in 2022.
Keeping up with the evidence (and the residents)
Not adopting the new lung cancer screening recommendations would exclude patients most at risk of lung cancer and allow disparities to grow.
New recommendations for hyperglycemia management
These are incredibly important guidelines that provide a clear algorithm for a personalized approach to diabetes management.
Managing Your Practice
Starting a podcast
With podcasts, you have a better chance of standing out in a crowded online world.
Love them or hate them, masks in schools work
The confounding here goes in the opposite direction of the results. If anything, these factors should make you more certain that masking works.
The body of evidence for Paxlovid therapy
For older patients, we should be thinking of why we should be using Paxlovid rather than the reason not to treat.
Which exercise is best for bone health?
An optimal exercise regimen includes a combination of strength and resistance training; weight-bearing aerobic training; and exercises that build...
Pediatric Dermatology Consult
An adolescent male presents with an eroded bump on the temple
Teen male treated recently for cancer presents with bump on the right temple.
Will Congress step up to save primary care?
The current Medicare system for compensating physicians jeopardizes access to primary care and the administrative burden of obtaining prior...
More children should be getting flu vaccines
As of the week ending Oct. 15, only about 22.1% of eligible children had been immunized.