Conference Coverage
Half of teens drop below obesity cutoff with semaglutide
The semaglutide findings are “historically unprecedented with treatments other than bariatric surgery.”
Guidelines for children with obesity: Family and treatment are key
The goal was to “help patients make changes in lifestyle, behaviors, or environment in a sustainable way and also to involve families in decision-...
News from the FDA/CDC
FDA moves to curb misuse of ADHD meds
The boxed warning will also advise heath care professionals to monitor patients closely for signs and symptoms of misuse, abuse, and addiction.
Latest News
Facial, hand, and foot dermatitis: Lebrikizumab and dupilumab show efficacy in new studies
"Lebrikizumab was efficacious in clearing and improving facial and hand dermatitis, burdensome and difficult-to-treat areas, in most patients," Dr...
Here’s how we can rebuild trust in vaccines
“Even if it’s the wildest conspiracy theory I’ve ever heard, that is my opportunity to show them that I’m listening and to empathize.”
Conference Coverage
Can this tool forecast peanut allergies?
The predictive scorecard captures 14 images from one infant of mixed race, two White infants, two Black infants, and two Hispanic infants.
Latest News
Bundled strategy increased preteen lipid screening
An intervention included in-office testing, provider education, and EMR updates.
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Interdisciplinary program reduced pediatric pain without pharmacology
Participating in an outpatient program also had a significant positive effect on health-related quality of life for patients and families
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Clinic responsible for misdiagnosing newborn’s meningitis, must pay millions
In a separate case, a Missouri doctor accused of incorrectly treating a woman’s embolism has been found not liable for her death.
From the Journals
Most children with ADHD are not receiving treatment
Girls (vs. boys) and children from families with higher incomes and higher education levels were among those less likely to get treatment.
Latest News
Contact allergens lurk in diabetes devices
Some reports suggest that at any given time, skin complications may affect as many as one quarter to one half of patients who use diabetes devices...