Clinical Review

Role of Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Brain Metastasis

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Future Use of SBRT

Based on successful experience with intracranial lesions, stereotactic techniques have been expanded to additional anatomical body sites other than the brain. Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), also called stereotactic body ablative radiotherapy, is progressively gaining acceptance and is being applied to various extracranial tumors, especially lung cancers and hepatic malignancies. Dosimetric studies and early phase clinical trials have clearly established the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of SBRT for certain tumor sites, such as lung, liver, kidney, spine, and paraspinal tumors. Additionally, SBRT may reduce treatment time and therapy costs and thus provide increased convenience to patients.

Effectiveness of SRS

Stafinski and colleagues conducted a meta-analysis of randomized trials to study the effectiveness of SRS in improving the survival as well as the quality of life (QOL) and functional status following SRS of patients with brain metastasis.5 This study found that SRS plus WBRT increased OS for patients with single brain metastasis compared with WBRT alone. Although no significant difference in OS was found in patients with multiple brain metastases, the addition of SRS to WBRT improved the local control and functional independence of this group of patients.

Related: Palliative Radiotherapy for the Management of Metastatic Cancer

Kondziolka and colleagues reported a local failure rate at 1 year of merely 8% following SRS boost therapy after WBRT compared with 100% without SRS.6 There was also a remarkable difference in median time to local failure—36 months vs 6 months, respectively. A randomized study designed to assess the possible benefit of SRS for the treatment of brain metastasis found a survival gain for patients with a single brain metastasis with a median survival time of 6.5 months (SRS) vs 4.9 months (no SRS).7

There are sparse data and reporting related to QOL measurements after SRS for brain metastasis. Andrews and colleagues reported improved functional and independent abilities at 6 months after completion of SRS therapy.7 The criteria used in that study for performance assessments included the Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) scale, the need for steroid use, and mental status. They found that KPS improvement was statistically significant, and patients were able to decrease the dosage of steroid medication at 6 months after therapy with SRS (Table 3). Despite these reports suggesting superior outcomes with SRS, more rigorous investigations that adequately control for other factors influencing QOL in patients with cancer are needed.

Two major limitations of SRS include large tumor size and multiple numbers of metastatic brain lesions. As the radiation dose to adjacent normal brain tissue quickly increases with larger tumor lesions (> 3-4 cm), the complication risks consequently rise proportionally, necessitating a decrease in the prescribed dose. Patients with poor performance status 
(< 70 KPS) and presence of active/progressive extracranial disease are also not ideal candidates for SRS.

Other unfavorable conditions for SRS include life expectancy of 
< 6 months, metastatic lesions in the posterior fossa, and severe acute CNS symptoms due to increased intracranial pressure, brain edema, or massive tumor effects. These factors do not necessarily contraindicate SRS but can increase the risks of such treatment. The authors recommend an experienced multispecialty approach to patients presenting with these findings.

Managing Brain Metastastis

To prevent symptoms related to brain edema (due to brain tumor itself and/or radiation-induced edema), steroid medication is generally administered to most patients, 1 to 3 days prior to initiation of radiation therapy. Corticosteroid use typically results in rapid improvement of existing CNS symptoms, such as headaches, and helps prevent the development of additional CNS symptoms due to radiation therapy-induced cerebral edema. A dexamethasone dose as low as 4 mg per day may be effective for prophylaxis if no symptoms or signs of increased intracranial pressure or altered consciousness exist. If the patient experiences symptomatic elevations in intracranial pressure, however, a 16-mg dose of dexamethasone per day orally, following a loading dose of 10-mg IV dexamethasone, should be considered. The latter scenario is not common.

Related: Pulmonary Vein Thrombosis Associated With Metastatic Carcinoma

The benefits of steroids, however, need to be carefully balanced against the possible adverse effects (AEs) associated with steroid use, including peripheral edema, gastrointestinal bleeding, risk of infections, hyperglycemia, insomnia, as well as mental status changes, such as anxiety, depression, and confusion. In long-term users, the additional AEs of oral candidiasis and osteoporosis should also be taken into account.

Craniotomy vs SRS

A retrospective study by Schöggl and colleagues compared single brain metastasis cases treated using either Gamma Knife or brain surgery followed by WBRT (30 Gy/10 fractions).3 Local control was significantly better after radiosurgery 
(95% vs 83%), and median survival was 12 months and 9 months after radiosurgery and brain surgery, respectively. There was no significant difference in OS.


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