Clinical Edge

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Assessment of an Enhanced HCV Treatment Program

J Am Pharm Assoc (2003); ePub 2018 Jul 19; Keast, et al

Increased adherence to hepatitis C virus (HCV) therapy, decreased treatment gaps, and decreased pharmacy-related costs were some of the benefits gained from an enhanced Medicaid program. This according to a retrospective study that compared adherence and cost between HCV patients included in an enhanced prior authorization and management program (PAMP) vs no intervention in Medicaid members undergoing treatment. The PAMP included case management, patient education, pharmacy counseling, and medication adherence. Patients with HCV enrolled in a state Medicaid program receiving or requesting HCV treatment from January 2014 to November 2015. Researchers found:

  • 384 Medicaid members were included in the study (156 pre-PAMP, 228 post-PAMP).
  • Overall adherence was high regardless of PAMP intervention, although an adjusted 1.086-fold increase in medication possession ratio (MRP) was observed with the program and a 2.732-fold higher odds of adherence above 80%.
  • Program members had 0.358 times lower adjusted odds of a >3-day treatment gap, and pharmacy-related costs were 0.940 times lower.


Keast SL, Holderread B, Cothran T, Skrepnek GH. Assessment of the effect of an enhanced prior authorization and management program in a United States Medicaid program on chronic hepatitis C treatment adherence and cost. [Published online ahead of print July 19, 2018]. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). doi:10.1016/j.japh.2018.06.013.