Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Must Reads by Date

Must reads for theWeek ending May 10, 2015

Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Rates in Breast Cancer, A review of patients from the National Cancer Database

Genetic Variant Predicts Earlier Lung Cancer Diagnosis, Meta-analysis links smoking cessation success and cancer risk to genes

NSCLC Systemic Therapy Rates , Review finds treatment rates increasing, but still low

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Must reads for theWeek ending May 3, 2015

Hormone Replacement Therapy and Breast Cancer Risk, WHI trials review progestin plus estrogen and estrogen alone

Colorectal Cancer Screening With Flexible Sigmoidoscopy , A survival meta-analysis of Cochrane Reviews

Cancer Diagnosis and Smoking Cessation Rates, Quit rates not altered by cancer type or stage

Adjuvant Chemotherapy in NSCLC, VA study tests whether patient age matters

AGAI Guideline for Pancreatic Cysts, Strategy for identifying early invasive cancer

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Must reads for theWeek ending April 26, 2015

BRCA1/2 Mutation Clusters Linked to Risk, Breast and ovarian cancer tied to specific genetic spans

CRP Levels Linked to Melanoma Outcomes, Inflammatory marker associated with survival rates

Does BPH Treatment Protect Against Cancer Deaths? , Use of 5-ARIs and risk of prostate cancer mortality

Genes Linked to Better Outcomes in AML , SWOG study identifies mutation linked to improved survival

Breast Cancer: Talking About Genetic Testing, Clarifying risks may ease patients’ minds

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Must reads for theWeek ending April 19, 2015

Allergies, Atopic Dermatitis, and Melanoma, Risk of keratinocyte cancers influenced by allergy

Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Testosterone Levels, PR-7 trial finds link to cause-specific survival

Link Between Vitamin D and Lymphoma Survival, Analysis of patients in SWOG and LYSA trials

Breast Cancer Staging and Survival, Two-cohort study suggests changes to guideline

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Must reads for theWeek ending April 12, 2015

Clinical Guideline: Treating Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma, New ILROG report aims to minimize late side effects

NCI Annual Report Adds Breast Cancer Subtypes, Prognosis and treatment varies by HR/HER2 status

Nivolumab or Chemotherapy for Melanoma Treatment?, Interim analysis from the phase 3 CheckMate 037

Improving Breast Cancer Risk Prediction, New approach to BI-RADS breast density model

Predicting Survival in Gastric Cancer, Which classification system is most accurate?

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