Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions
New ASCO Guideline on Cervical Cancer Screening
J Glob Oncol; ePub 2016 Oct 12; Jeronimo, et al
The American Society of Clinical Oncology has issued a new global guideline on screening for cervical cancer. Among the recommendations:
- Recommended age ranges and frequencies by setting are as follows: maximal: ages 25 to 65, every 5 years; enhanced: ages 30 to 65, if two consecutive negative tests at 5-year intervals, then every 10 years; limited: ages 30 to 49, every 10 years; and basic: ages 30 to 49, one to three times per lifetime.
- For basic settings, visual assessment is recommended as triage; in other settings, genotyping and/or cytology are recommended.
- For basic settings, treatment is recommended if abnormal triage results are present; in other settings, colposcopy is recommended for abnormal triage results.
- For basic settings, treatment options are cryotherapy or loop electrosurgical excision procedure; for other settings, loop electrosurgical excision procedure is recommended.
- 12-month post-treatment follow-up is recommended in all settings.
Jeronimo J, Castel P, Temin S, et al. Secondary prevention of cervical cancer resource-stratified guideline. [Published online ahead of print October 12, 2016]. J Glob Oncol. doi:10.1200/JGO.2016.006577.