Clinical Edge

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Micro-RNAs in Multiple Myeloma

Assessing the effects of changes

The myeloma-miRNome confers a pattern of small changes of individual miRNAs that affects gene expression, biological functions, and survival, according to a study 1,269 patients with multiple myeloma. Researchers found:

• Compared to normal plasma cells, 67/559 miRNAs (12%) with fold changes of 4.6 to -3.1 are differentially expressed in myeloma-, 20 in MGUS-samples, and 3 between MGUS and myeloma.

• Expression of miRNAs is associated with proliferation, chromosomal aberrations, tumor mass, and gene expression-based risk-scores. This holds true for target-gene signatures of regulated mRNAs.

• miRNA-expression confers prognostic significance for event-free and overall survival, as do respective target-gene signatures.

Citation: Seckinger A, Meiβner T, Moreaux J, et al. miRNAs in multiple myeloma - a survival relevant complex regulator of gene expression. [Published online ahead of print October 12, 2105]. Oncotarget. doi: 10. 18632/oncotarget.5381.