Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Treatment guided by remote readings works when used as intended

Key clinical point: A heart failure management strategy guided by lung fluid measurements taken remotely at home did not significantly reduce recurrent hospitalizations overall, but did so when the strategy was implemented as intended.

Major finding: Use of the remote dielectric sensing system to guide therapy cut hospitalizations by 58% in a modified intent-to-treat population that excluded patients who failed to take daily measurements at home, and patients who didn’t receive modified treatment despite actionable readings.

Study details: SMILE, a randomized, controlled trial in 268 patients at 43 U.S. sites.

Disclosures: The SMILE study was sponsored by Sensible Medical Innovations. Dr. Abraham reported disclosures (consultant/advisory board) related to Sensible Medical Innovations, Abbott, Boehringer Ingelheim, Victorious Medical, V-Wave Medical, and others.


Abraham W et al. HFSA 2019, Late-breaking clinical trial.