Surgical Techniques

2017 Update on minimally invasive gynecologic surgery

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Simulation's evolving role in gyn surgery training

Recently, the traditional model of gynecologic surgical training has been impacted by the exponential growth of technology (surgical devices), increased surgical options, and the limited work hours of trainees. As a result, simulation-based medical education has been identified as a potential solution to address deficits in surgical training. Fortunately, all modalities of surgery are now amenable to improvements in surgical education via simulation.5

Although basic skill training in the standard areas of hand-eye coordination, tissue handling, and instrument use still is prerequisite, the integration of both low- and high-fidelity simulation technologies--with enhanced functionality--now allows for a more comprehensive approach to understanding surgical anatomy. In addition, simulation training provides the opportunity for independent practice of full surgical procedures and, in many instances, offers objective and instantaneous assessment feedback for the learner. This discussion highlights some of the relevant literature on simulation training and the impact of surgical simulation on hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.

Box trainers and virtual reality simulators in hysteroscopy training

Hysteroscopic surgery allows direct endoscopic visualization of the uterine cavity for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. While the majority of these procedures are generally low risk, operative hysteroscopic experience minimizes the possibility of significant procedure-related complications, such as uterine perforation.5 The literature repeatedly shows that significant differences exist in skill and sense of preparedness between the novice or inexperienced surgeon (resident trainee) and the expert in hysteroscopic surgery.6-8

Both low- and high-fidelity hysteroscopic simulators can be used to fine-tune operator skills. Low-fidelity simulators such as box trainers, which focus on skills like endometrial ablation and hysteroscopic resection with energy, have been shown to measurably improve performance, and they are well-received by participants. Low-fidelity simulations that incorporate vegetable/fruit or animal models (for example, porcine bladders and cattle uteri) have also been employed with success.9

On the high-fidelity end, surgical trainees can now experience hysteroscopic surgery simulation through virtual reality simulators, which have evolved with improvements in technology (FIGURE 1). Many high-fidelity simulators have been developed, and technical skill and theoretical knowledge improve with their use. Overall, trainees have provided positive feedback regarding the realism and training capacity afforded by virtual reality simultors.10,11

Various simulators are equipped with complete training curriculums that focus on essential surgical skills. Common troubleshooting techniques taught via simulator include establishing and maintaining clear views, detecting and coagulating bleeding sources, fluid management and handling, and instrument failure. Learners can perform these sessions repeatedly, independent of their respective starting skill level. On completion of simulation training, the trainee is given objective performance assessments on economy of motion, visualization, safety, fluid handling, and other skills.

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ExCITE: Minimally invasive tissue extraction made simple with simulation

Learning the complexities of laparoscopy through simulation

Laparoscopic surgery (both conventional and robot assisted) allows for a minimally invasive, cost-effective, and rapid-recovery approach to the management of many common gynecologic conditions. In both approaches, the learning curve to reach competency is steep. Conventional laparoscopy requires unique surgical skills, including adapting to a 2-dimensional field with altered depth perception; this creates challenges in spatial reasoning and achieving proficiency in video-eye-hand coordination as a result of the fulcrum effect inherent in laparoscopic instrumentation. This is further complicated by the essential dexterity required to complete dissections and suturing.12,13

Robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery requires significant modifications to adapt to a 3-dimensional view. In addition, this approach incorporates another level of complexity (and challenge to attaining mastery), namely, using remotely controlled multiple instrument arms with no tactile feedback.

Importantly, some residency training programs are structured unevenly, emphasizing one or the other surgical modality.14 As a result, this propagates certain skills--or lack thereof--on graduation, and thus highlights potential areas of laparoscopic training that need to be improved and enhanced.

Increasing the learning potential

The growing integration of low- and high-fidelity simulation training in laparoscopic surgery has led to improved skill acquisition.12,13,15,16 A well-established low-fidelity simulation model is the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery module, through which trainees are taught vital psychomotor skills via a validated box trainer that is also supported by a cognitive component (FIGURE 2).17,18

The advent of laparoscopic virtual reality training systems has raised the learning potential further, even for experienced surgeons. Some benefits of virtual reality simulation in conventional laparoscopy include education on an interactive 3D pelvis, step-by-step procedural guidance, a comprehensive return of performance metrics on vital laparoscopic skills, and the incorporation of advanced skills such as laparoscopic suturing, complex dissections, and lysis of adhesions.

In the arena of robot-assisted procedures, simulation modules are available for learning fundamental skill development in hand-eye coordination, depth perception, bimanual manipulation, camera navigation, and wrist articulation.

In both conventional and robot-assisted laparoscopy simulation pathways, complete procedural curriculums (for example, hysterectomy with adnexectomy) are available. Thus, learners can start a procedure or technique at a point applicable to them, practice repeatedly until competency, and eventually become proficient (FIGURE 3).

Generally, high-fidelity computerized simulators provide a comprehensive performance report on completion of training, along with a complete recording of the trainee's encounter during accruement of skill. Most importantly, laparoscopic training via simulation has been validated to translate into improved operating room performance by impacting operating times, safety profiles, and surgical skill growth.15,19

Related article:
Complete colpectomy & colpocleisis: Model for simulation

Simulation is a mainstream training tool

The skills gap between expert surgeons and new trainees continues to widen. A comprehensive educational pathway that provides an optimistic safety profile, abides by time constraints, and elevates skill sets will fall to simulation-based surgical training.20,21 Surgical competence is defined not simply by observation and Halstedian technique but by a combination of cognitive and behavioral abilities as well as perceptual and psychomotor skills. It is impractical to expect current learners to become proficient in visuospatial and tactile perception and to demonstrate technical competency without supplementing their training.22-24 Ultimately, as experience with both low- and high-fidelity surgical simulation grows, the predictive validity of this type of training pathway will become more readily apparent. In other words, improved performance in the simulated environment will translate into improved performance in the operating room.

Read about how gyn surgery simulation is being incorporated into credentialing and privileging

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