Parathyroidectomy Improves Depression, Cardiovascular Abnormalities
Major Finding: The prevalence of major depression in a cohort of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism dropped from 43% prior to...
Trial: Deep Brain Stimulation Eases Depression Symptoms
Major Finding: Deep brain stimulation improved depressive symptoms by up to 40% in 62% of patients who underwent electrode implantation.Data...
Harvard Researcher Puts Spotlight on Suicide
Bullying Victims Suffer Long-Term Depression
Sleep Apnea Worsens Psychiatric Symptoms
Major Finding: Of 85 psychiatric patients screened with the STOP-Bang questionnaire, 14 were ultimately diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea....
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans More Likely to Abandon PTSD Drugs
Major Finding: Iraq and Afghanistan veterans with PTSD are about half as likely as are other vets with the disorder to finish an adequate trial of...
More Nuanced Directions for Deep Brain Stimulation
Motivational Interviewing Lowers Cardiometabolic Risk
Conference Coverage
Treating Bipolar Depression Depends on Evidence, Judgment
From the Editor
Quo vadis, psychopharmacology?
Innovation in psychopharmacology depends on overcoming multiple challenges that stifle drug discovery and development
Cases That Test Your Skills
A curious case of depression
Mr. Z, age 61, has a history of bipolar I disorder and presents with worsening depression, fatigue, thrombocytopenia, and a rash. What is...