Families in Psychiatry
APA Symposium Will Focus on Combining Modalities
Cancer Diagnosis Appears to Raise Suicide, Cardiovascular Risks
Major Finding: The rate of completed suicide was twice as high among adults with newly diagnosed cancer of any kind (0.36 per 1,000 person-years)...
Single Question Flags Depression in Chronic Pain
Major Finding: Asking patients who have activity-limiting pain how much they’ve felt downhearted or depressed in the past 4 weeks identified...
Cases That Test Your Skills
Psychotic and in pain
Mrs. P, age 58, has a history of depression, suicide attempts, and chronic pain. Eight months ago she developed psychotic symptoms. How would you...
FDA Clarifies Recommendations Related to SSRI's Arrhythmia Risk
Healthy Relatives of Patients With Depression Face Risk
Major Finding: Individuals with a first-degree relative who has major depressive disorder are more than three times as likely to develop MDD as...
Chronic Pain Patients More Prone to Depression, Anxiety
Major Finding: A higher number of pain locations, joint pain, 90 days or more of pain, daily use of pain medication, and a higher CPG score were...
Identify Depressive Symptoms Early in Breast Cancer Patients
Major Finding: Almost one in four women had a combined state anxiety and depressive symptoms before their diagnosis of breast cancer, and a higher...
Depression Linked to Later Drug, Cigarette Use in Teens
Major Finding: The path from depressive symptoms to risky behaviors proved significant for cigarette smoking (p less than .001), marijuana (p less...