Personality Disorders
From the Journals
Borderline personality disorder: Is there an optimal therapy?
Treatment retention was greater with combined therapy compared to the other options.
Latest News
DSM-5 update: What’s new?
The new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is in the form of a textbook, is already drawing some criticism.
Differentiating pediatric schizotypal disorder from schizophrenia and autism
Schizotypal disorder is a complex condition that is characterized by cognitive-perceptual impairments, oddness, disorganization, and interpersonal...
Evidence-Based Reviews
Borderline personality disorder: 6 studies of psychosocial interventions
Evidence suggests benefits from several forms of psychoeducation and psychotherapy.
Cases That Test Your Skills
Depressed and awkward: Is it more than that?
Ms. P, age 21, presents to the clinic with worsening depression. Her diagnoses are treatment-resistant major depressive disorder and schizoid...
Identifying and preventing IPV: Are clinicians doing enough?
It is incumbent upon clinicians to learn to quickly identify survivors of intimate partner violence.
From the Journals
Effective alternatives to psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder
At 12 months, there was a mean 28.91-point (23.8%) drop in interpersonal problems, reported lead author Dr. Andrew Chanen.
From the Journals
Telehealth safe, effective for a challenging psychiatric disorder
The study included 64 patients with borderline personality disorder who were treated for the first time in the Rhode Island Hospital partial...
Evidence-Based Reviews
Borderline personality disorder: 6 studies of biological interventions
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is marked by an ongoing pattern of mood instability, cognitive distortions, pro...
Residency programs need greater focus on BPD treatment
In the last phase of his career, Dr. John G. Gunderson worked with Dr. Lois W. Choi-Kain to train clinicians on general psychiatric management.
A new name for BPD?
The illness should be viewed as a mood dysregulation disorder, said Dr. Michael A. Cummings.