Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions
Patient Activation Post-DXA: No Lifestyle Changes
Osteoporos Int; ePub 2017 Jun 1; Wolinsky, et al
An individually tailored dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) screening result letter accompanied by an educational brochure did not lead to smoking or excessive drinking cessations in patients who received DXA, a recent study found. The Patient Activation after DXA Result Notification (PAADRN) pragmatic clinical trial enrolled 7,749 patients between February 2012 and August 2014. Mean age was 66.6 years, 83.8% were women, and 75.3% were non-Hispanic whites. Interviews occurred at baseline and 12 and 52 weeks later. Intervention subjects were mailed an individually tailored DXA results letter accompanied by a bone health educational brochure 4 weeks post-DXA. Usual care subjects were not sent these materials. Smoking and excessive drinking were assessed by self-report at each interview. Researchers found:
- Smoking was reported at baseline by 7.6% of the intervention group vs 7.7% of the usual care group.
- Excessive drinking was reported at baseline by 6.5% of the intervention group vs 6.5% of the usual care group.
- Intention-to-treat analyses indicated no significant differences between the intervention vs usual care groups at either 12 or 52 weeks post-DXA.
Wolinsky FD, Lou Y, Edmonds SW, et al. The effects of a patient activation intervention on smoking and excessive drinking cessations: results from the PAADRN randomized controlled trial. [Published online ahead of print June 1, 2017]. Osteoporos Int. doi:10.1007/s00198-017-4101-5.